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RE: US election - NO to Trump please!

in #election5 months ago

it might be obvious Trump will re-vitalize relationsip with Russia (not good for a peaceful world) and with China (he might think to support US economy but not working). He will again try to get US out of NATO, he will attack European Union to pay more for weapons as he thinks America is the key nation of the world.

There's not much in here to agree with... let me break it down a bit:

Re-vitalize relationships with Russia

Well, there's two options: completely isolate Russia until 144 million people are cast into famine and civil or even nuclear war, the government overthrown, millions dead, and replaced with an even more hardline dictator, OR, try and negotiate peace and compromise that keeps Russia in line, work towards denuclearisation (something Trump is very passionate about).

The idea that he will 'buddy up' with Putin and become best friends, taking lessons on how to be a dictator from him or something, simply has no basis in facts.

And with China

Again, China is the world's greatest trading partner. The world in its entirety will utteraly fall apart without China. And yet, Trump has historically not exactly been friendly with them economically, imposing tariffs and other restrictions on China for years now. He still says positive things about Xi, but this is a rhetoric to keep relationships going, political savvy. Nowhere have I ever heard Trump suggest he believes in the communist ideology of China.

He will again try to get US out of NATO

He didn't actually want that and there was no policy suggesting it. What he wanted NATO members to pay their fair share, and, I mean, why not? Sounds reasonable to me. The target for each member was meant to be 2% of GDP spent on their own militaries, as not to be too dependent on pooling out NATO resources. Even though everybody agreed on this, the ultimate outcome was the US spending almost 4%, while countries like Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Hungary, Canada, Spain, and so on, were paying well under 2%. Some even under 1%. As Trump says, this was unfair, the USA was holding up the world.

If anything this is anti-imperialist, something the USA is often criticized for. Trump in contrast wanted a more equal sharing of that burden.

So, I dunno. I also wouldn't support Trump, but I don't think these particular arguments are very valid.


Thanks for elaborating - I am all in favour for peace and negotiations with Putin, I am not a fan of the Ukraine president as well (not only given his history). I hope you are right in that area.

NATO payments yeah Trump was already saying this in his previous role as president - you might be right here. China and US are the biggest global players and what is required to strengthen the European Union where I do not see a lot of agreements in general.

We will see what happens this week and after.