Moon of Nokstella - Elden Ring

in #eldenring2 months ago

Episode 240

This legendary talisman is a treasure of Nokstella, the Eternal City. This talisman represents the lost black moon. The moon of Nokstella was the guide of countless stars. Increases memory slots by 2.

Nokstella, Eternal City - An ancient subterranean realm veiled in starlight and sorrow. Its silver rivers flow beneath a sky of false stars, while alabaster ruins whisper of a forgotten age. Here, death and majesty entwine in silent reverence.

Ainsel River Main - The northern expanse of the Ainsel River, one of two great undercurrents beneath the Lands Between. Alongside the Siofra, it carves through the depths, a vast graveyard of lost civilizations that thrived before the shadow of the Erdtree.

Elden Ring
Episode 240
Moon of Nokstella - Nokstella, Eternal City (Part 2)
Location: Nokstella, Eternal City, Ainsel River Main, Liurnia of the Lakes, Lands Between
Played with a 360 controller on PC in 4k

#EldenRing #TheShattering #Ring #Fromsoftware #NathanGraham #Gameplay #POI #Erdtree #Location #Guide #POI #Ainsel #River #Nokstella #ElectroPudding #Moon