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RE: The value of effort

in #effort2 years ago

Insightful post. Thanks for sharing.

Re. Q about who i would downvote (i don't) or vote for. i delegate quite a big chunk of my HP to leo.voter to support their onboarding RC requirements & earn LEO, same with ecency. i also delegate sime smaller amounts to some communities and people to support their good work onchain.

i retain about 20,000 HP for manual voting (although i follow some trusted curation trails but that doesnt stop me voting as i'll go a little under 80% VP (the pointbat which i set trails not to vote) most days so i get to vite when i'm able). Not sure if that makes sense. Anyway, basically i vote on posts AND comments ever day which i perceive as bringing value to the network.

i also outreach on Twitter & Telegram fairly often, and have onboarded a few.

The topics i write about are mostly controversial and challenging to viewpoints of many, yet i think it's important i do my best to share the stuff i do to help humanity overcome much needless suffering due to the misinformation spread by the corporate machine. Having seen others who do similar (sharing controversial stuff) be downvoted due to disagreement with the content (and even leave as a result), i'm aware that could happen to me too (not that has yet), but my motive for sharing is only partly for monetary reward so i just plod on regardless.

Ok, i'm rambling a bit now so will stop.

Sat Nam