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What do I think of when I hear artificial intelligence?
I think of technology and robots. After hearing the talk about AI, I was somewhat correct. In some companies there are already robots taking over jobs. In some factories it is better because of human error. With a robot you can go into the system and make the change. It is easier to catch on with a system overhead. If a human were to mess up, you would have to go through the process of finding which employee it was. It would be more work than it must be. That is how it used to be. I also think of how much technology advancements we have. There are so many different things you can do with technology. There are now personal assistants online. It can also be cheaper.
How much of AI is helpful and how much is damaging?
One good example was self-driving cars. There are still laws in some states about self-driving cars being illegal. There is an error waiting to happen with that. It is too much of a liability. It is funny to think people thought we would have flying cars in 2020. I think that it is a lot of work to put into a car that isn’t even legal in some states. Elon Musk is working on an 18-wheeler. Most of them are already automated but there must be someone in the car. It makes me think of Uber and Lyft. The whole experience is to meet people and travel to a place. If this does happen in the next 10 years Uber and Lyft will be done. One other aspect, the AI taking the jobs is taking over people’s jobs. People are unemployed and they don’t have anything to do. There has to be a source of income and I think we need to remember who should have jobs.
**What does the future hold for AI and humans? **
I think there is a lot of things to be done to fully take over jobs. I think if everything is taken over there will be less demand for some items like buying a car. For example, Wally the movie showed what it would look like if AI took over. We would all be lazy and in a chair somewhere. I am honestly a little scared about what could potentially happen if AI becomes too strong. I think in some situations it can be a good thing because things can get done faster and maybe better. AI has been advancing for the past 50 years and it is just growing stronger. I think one day there will be jobs fully taken over by AI. I think there will always be a need for some jobs. For example, teaching. Kids learn so much from facial expressions and I think that a robot might have a hard time doing facial expressions. We must remember for future generations if what we are doing is good for them. Older generations always argue how we rely on technology so much and if technology starts taking over the world, they were right.
"We must remember for future generations if what we are doing is good for them. "
I think this sentence is very important in that we need to always ensure that we maintain balance when we act. There needs to be a measured assured approach to implementing AI in our world and in our lives. I don't however think that we will end up with vast unemployment or a bunch of lazy people sitting around doing nothing. I believe that human talent will simply be diverted into other careers of need. There needs to be humans programming the machines and running them; there will always be a need for further technological advancement for humanity to focus on, whilst the implemented AI continues to improve the efficacy of our lives.