By Tabrani Yunis
Sometimes, in this era, everything can happens. The things that we thought in the past could not happen, but it can happen now. We said, wow it was impossible, but now everything is possible.
It can happen. Sometimes it is out of our imagination and away of our minds.
Let see what happens to our teachers. Everyone will say that teacher is someone or selected people who teaches us, educates us, traines us, and even help us change our life better, because teachers give us knowledge. Skills and good attitude. They teach us and educate us even more than their children. Therefore teachers are appreciated by the students, parents and communities.
So, teachers everywhere, every time are appreciated in any condition. Shortly teachers are needed, are appreciated, and must be protected by the law of every nation an government od a country.
Out schools can not be operated by computers. Even we can study by using computers, again teachers' roles in the classrooms can be substituted by computers. The roles of teachers in our children's class still can not be substituted by computers. Teachers until now can notbe substituted.
Ideally, teachers in doing and practicing his works at schools must be protected. Parents and children must not hurt teachers only because of the small problems.Not only because of the small problems, even the big problems, teachers should be protected and away from violence which done by children and parents.
But, in facts, all teachers in Indonesia to day face serious problems with children and parents. There are so many cases dealing with teachers and parents relationship. Ideally, teachers and parents must collaborate to educate children or students, but in facts, parents because of some reasons, such as busy etc, parents can not control their children. Therefore, teachers must take care the children at schools. Unfortunately, teachers at schools must face all conditions of the children or students. Teachers may not beat or hurt children or students. When teachers beat or hurt students on the sake of discipline, parents will gey angry and even report it to the police. Some others may come to school and meet the teachers do violence against teacher. There are also so many problems dealing with teachers and students.
As we know that in the past, students really appreciated teachers. They did not hurt teachers and even kept good relationship with teachers. It seems that in some cases, the relationship between teachers and parents is only the task teaching the students because parents can not do this work at home. Teachers as if just received the task for teaching the students. Just make the students understand what is explainated by teachers. The parents also just their children get good scores at schools. No problems whether the scoores obtained honestly or not. The most important thing is their children have good scores. No matter they got knowledge , skills and good attitude or not. All these are other things. Ideally what we want to get from our learning or study are the best change of life. Before the process learning, we didnot know something, and after learning we know more and more. When before learning we had no skills, but after the learning process we change to have good skills and before learning processes we had bad attitudes, and after learning processes we can be better in our attitude. But, when the orientation of learning is for obtaining good scores, we tend to obtain the worst results. It means that we lost.
Currently, the bad relationships between parents. Children and teachers are in bad condition. Parents can easily hurt teachers and so can the students. We still remember and it is still unforgettable.
There are so many sad stories about the bad relationship between teachers and parents and students in Indonesia. Teachers can be easily hurt and even killed the teachers. There was a horrible condition where an art teacher, Ahmad Budi Cahyono (27 ) years old in Madura died tragically after tortured by his student. Still not long yet, it is still in our mind. It means that our sorrowness still not ends yet. The death of this teacher made this case was viral in the social media. Millions of teachers feel sad and even condemned the student who made the teacher died. This case makes teachers face difficulties in educating their students at schools. It can make teachers ignore the important of discipline for students and just ignore the morality of the students. If this condition happens, so the future of students will be lost in morality. Of course it is nit what we expect. We want all elements of education stage holders can tie the gap among the three pilars of education.
Old song "Kita bisa pintar, menulis dan membaca karena siapa?/ Guru lah pelita, penerang dalam gulita, jasa mu tiadaaa.. taraaa.."
Ada yang bilang, itu dulu ha ha
Iya bang, dan yang bilang produk dulu juga heee...
Banyak guru yang menjadi apatis dengan kondisi ini
Perlu program motivasi untuk para guru, bang.
Ide bagus. Kapan kita bisa buat ya?
Kita jadwalkan pertemuannya bang...
As a veteran teacher, I agree to your thought that teachers everywhere should be protected--teachers need specific laws describing and protecting their rights on safety when they do their works. It's a lot like what journalists face, in doing their job teachers should face many people with various and colorful personalities, so no one able to ensure that teachers would always be safe in the classrooms, unless the Government decided to make it legal (in a form of law).
It is very dangerous and our schools will be threatened if the teachers will not be respected. Teachers will not teach as what we hope
Exactly. There should be a mechanism to protect them.
I hope be better tomorrow
I also hope the same thing