10 manfaat buah coklat untuk kesehatan

in #education7 years ago

*In this information I will discuss about chocolate fruit and its benefits*.

**10 Benefits of Chocolate Fruit For Health**


Who does not know chocolate? Chocolate is one type of food that is very famous for its delights and benefits. We have a lot of chocolate processed products that are famous and a favorite of people around the world.



Although it has a brown name, but the original fruit of chocolate itself is not brown, but yellow for fruit that is ready to be harvested. The original name of the fruit itself is cocoa (cocoa) which basically feels very bitter when it is consumed straight away.

Cocoa or cocoa that is chocolate is usually harvested when the fruit is yellow, and no need to harvest, because in addition to just picking, cocoa tree is also not a seasonal tree species, which means can bear fruit anytime.

**What are the benefits of chocolate (cocoa / cacao)?**

Chocolate fruit itself has a very diverse benefits, especially for human health. The following are the benefits of the chocolate fruit itself.

Being the basic ingredient of making chocolate

Chocolate (cocoa) that is ready to be harvested will soon be taken and processed ntuk then used as the basic ingredients of making chocolate. Usually the resulting chocolate varies greatly, but the common ones are 2 types, namely dark chocolate (dark chocolate) and chocolate powder.

Both processed products from this chocolate fruit which is then dioalh again resulting in a variety of processed - processed we meet on the market today. The following are the types of processed chocolates that are common in the market:

*Chocolate bars

Chocolate candy

Drinks brown

Chocolate cake*

But to consume the kind of processed chocolate yan gsudah be, like candy, cake and chocolate bars, you must be careful - hait because these processed products have a very high sugar content to cover the bitter taste in the chocolate. This can be harmful to your health, especially for those of you who are diabetic and also obese.

**Fixed the mood**

Chocolate contains caffeine, theobromine, methyl - xanthine and natural phenylethylalanine. All of these ingredients have excellent benefits for our body, especially in terms of improving the state of mind - mind body and have a calming nature, so as to improve one's mood. Poor mood conditions can be overcome by consuming processed chocolate fruit products, especially those with high pure chocolate content. In addition to improving one's mood, chocolate also has the following benefits:

Anti depressant alias prevent the emergence of stress

Reduce stress

Reduce the fatigue that appears on the body

Calming the state of mind

*Good For Fixing Mood

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**Anti aging**

One of the most troublesome thing especially by women is aging aging process. Many women are struggling to find what therapy is appropriate to reduce the aging that appears. However, the answer is actually easy, ie consume chocolate. The essential oils contained in chocolate are able to provide extraordinary anti aging effects and can reduce the signs of aging in the body. In addition, other benefits of chocolate essential oil are:

*Strengthens bones

Maintaining healthy nails

Maintain strength and health of hair

Maintain healthy skin*.

*Good For Anti Aging

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**Antidote free radicals**

One of the important ingredients in chocolate is antioxidants and flavonoids. The content of these two substances has a major function that is very important to ward off free radicals that will enter the body. As we know, free radicals that can not be denied and entered into the body can cause various diseases and can weaken your immune system or immune system. therefore, the consumption of chocolate is very good for those of you who want to be free of disease caused by free radicals.

*Good For Free Radical Abatement

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**Lowering body cholesterol levels**

Do you have high cholesterol talent? Kalu so brown dapt be one of your alternative menu. the content of flavonoids in the chocolate can help your body in lowering levels of bad cholesterol alias LDL in the body. Degngan down LDL aka bad cholesterol, then you can avoid high cholesterol, and also avoid:

*Narrowing of blood vessels

Heart attack


Blockage of arterial blood vessels*



For those of you who have hypertension talent aka high blood pressure, you can consume chocolate to help lower your blood pressure. this condition is caused by the content of flavonols contained in chocolate. In addition, chocolate is also able to calm nerves and thoughts, so that with relaxed and relaxed body, then blood pressure can also be controlled properly.

*Good for lowering blood pressure

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The benefits of chocolate*

**Heals cough**

Chocolate contains theobromine compounds, which contain the compound has a very good benefit to cure and reduce the symptoms of cough that interfere with your daily activities.

*Good for curing cough

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**Prevent disorders of the liver**

With the presence of antioxidants in chocolate, the work of the liver becomes lighter, because free radicals that enter the body will be reduced, with the lighter work of the liver, the disorders - diseases that usually attack the liver, such as liver, cancer and hepatitis and prevented.

**Good for preventing liver organ disorders**

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**Prevent cancer**

Another function of chocolate is to help the body in preventing the emergence of cancer. It is not to cure cancer that attacks the patient, but chocolate can help prevent cellular damage that can trigger cancer and tumors in certain body parts.

*Good to prevent cancer

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**Increase energy and relieve fatigue**

Chocolate has the ability to give and restore your energy habisa because it has been active all day. Therefore, when you feel tired, and exhausted from work, take a break and drink or consume chocolate to help restore energy and prevent strees because of your work.

*As an energy source

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Those are some of the benefits of chocolate. Keep in mind, these benefits will be effective if you consume chocolate that is processed with low sugar content, aka pure chocolate, containing at least 60% black chocolate levels, so the effect is more pronounced. Avoid excessive consumption of processed chocolate, because processed chocolate contains very high sugar and can lead to diabetes and obesity. May be useful



Lebeh pah ta peu kilo aju lebeh Rayeuk manfaat hehe

Haha, cair peng pih bagah euh 😂

Great post Teungku