Why I Teach [A letter to my students]

in #education7 years ago (edited)

To My Students-

I teach because I love books. I love talking about them, I love thinking about them. Last year was the first year I kept track of my reading, and I realized, despite working my fingers to the bone on my masters degree, that apparently I had found the time to read a little over 50 books.

I know that not everyone likes to read. I know that not everyone admires the way words on a page become a world within itself, how a character can become a friend. I know that not everyone is amazed that someone from hundreds of years ago can speak to one in a way that causes pain, or makes one think "I have felt that before". I know that most of my high schools students have made up their mind one way or the other about reading. My one wish is that, even if you don't leave my class enjoying reading, you come to see the value in it.

I hope that you see the value in reading, but mostly I hope that you see the value in life. When you get down to it, the stories and information you get in class are supposed to give you another way to understand people and why they do the things they do. They are supposed to show you why our world is shaped the way it is, and the little things we can do to shape it the way we want it to be. Last year I lost a former student in Kansas City to a drive-by shooting and a friend to suicide. I don't like the way the world is shaped; I don't like the violence and hate and racism I see and their effect on our future. I think that education, and reading in particular, can help people escape those situations, literally and figuratively. Every time I teach a book, I hope that book sparks the idea that you are worthwhile- that you deserve the best and should work your butt off to get it. That there are things to do and places to be. I want you to think. Even if you hate books, you deserve love and acceptance. You deserve to tell your story and have it valued.

Khalif Hampton, my former student who was shot in a drive-by

Johnny, my friend who committed suicide in 2015


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Photos of students are property of Sunravelme, students and family signed a release for their use
Photo of Johnny is property of his family, used with permission
Image of Khalif sourced from the news report of his death, linked above
Words are property of Sunravelme


Very inspiring article. I am a teacher too (a private one), and as you can guess easily, my students are not fan of books either...

For me the reason is simple. It is not a dislike, it is the need for immediate gratification and the current trend concerning the lack of focus.

Starting a new book, positionning oneself in context of the author and then diving into it requires effort and focus. Then, once you are in, it flows and it is a real joy. but there is this initial "activation energy" that is so hard to climb up nowadays for students.

Once, i had this student having a lack of faith in enjoying life, had serious attention issues, and I was afraid that these factors together could trigger or reinforce existing psychological problems. I searched a lot to find her a book, "the art of happyness" by the Daila Lama, in Turkish (her native language, to ease the diving-in). I got it just in time for give it to her for her 18nth Birthday. She was thrilled by the present, but I am pretty sure, she never opened it and that now, it is taking dust on a shelf...

Always nice to meet another teacher! I often tell my students "you don't hate books, you just haven't found the right one yet". Today I got a little thrill, one of my girls told me, "Miss, ever since you made us do this, I found out I like reading!" It made my day, month, career lol. I bought a few books on amazon for one of my boys about his hobby, bullriding, and he was so excited! So, in the end, I know that it won't touch everyone, but I'll take a couple in my career!

Very nice & well expressed. Your students shd benefit from this.

Well, I just think this is IMPORTANT for young people t/b encouraged ... I have taught (no, I didn't have an MBA ), & I just KNOW that people appreciate yr efforts (some people do).

So applause, applause -- KEEP it up

Thank you! I hope that they are encouraged by more than the letter <3

Books are so critical to understanding the world around us...and the people that enter our lives. Even a world of fiction and fantasy has the power to deeply motivate and influence change. Growing up...my love of reading fiction and entering these different worlds full of people and places that I would never see...taught me more about how to navigate life...and what it means to feel all kinds of emotions...that just my own experiences alone wouldn't bring. It also shaped me into someone who loves to dream and picture things on a grand scale. Nothing is impossible when you remember to use your imagination. <3

This was my experience growing up too! I agree, imagination is so important. We don't know what kind of world we are raising these kids to exist in, what jobs we are preparing them for, but in the end, if they are able to be literate and creative, I feel like I've gotten them where they will need to be, no matter what.

After reading your post, I'm beginning to consider a career in teaching. Maybe because I can relate with you on the reading part.

'...the way words on a page become a world within itself, how a character can become a friend.'

That for me is one of the most interesting aspects of reading. You find yourself so engrossed in the book, you feel that you're almost part of it.

Thank you for your post. I'm going to resteem for others to read and follow for more

Thank you! I appreciate that. It's fun to have a captive audience to talk to about books- and it's even more fun that I get to assign independent reading and help them pick out books they might like! Prepping for standardized tests is.... less fun.

You're awesome! I've given up reading books mostly, but my appetite for reading on the internet is voracious. I enjoyed this. I'm sorry for your loss. I have some dead cadets shot overseas fighting banker wars. Every day is a new opportunity to make the world slightly better.

You're good people. Namaste.

I actually haven't finished a book yet this year- too much to do on steemit and discord! I didn't know you were a veteran- I'm an army brat, although I don't talk about that much. Sending you some <3

Great teaching @sunravelme life itself is a book and everyday is a new page

Reading is also a form of therapy and relaxation.
Nowadays young generations, are more up to technical gadgets rather than reading books.

natural happiness ... glad to see what's been on show in stemeet ... may the happiness that is always present in our lives ... Thank you for what has been your view for us.. the colors are very positive

I hope students use the paper
A great note for students
Good luck

nice write up, keep it up

Oh, so good to see others living with passion and and live their lives in a way that is more likely awesome. It is ckear the passion drives our lives if we let it do so and dare to look in the future with confidence.

I totally agree, it is very necessary to read because I myself really like to read, read about anything because according to new science will be obtained by multiplying reading over the times will be many changes that are done without us read we will never know with the progress the world today, blessed are the people who always become nerds because the more often the reading makes someone more useful

Couldn't agree more with you @sunravelme.

I don't like the way the world is shaped; I don't like the violence and hate and racism I see and their effect on our future. I think that education, and reading in particular, can help people escape those situations, literally and figuratively.

The first book I got completely lost in was The Hobbit and ever since then I have been addicted to that wonderful escape. I love the soporific trance of a book before bed, in preparation for coloring the dreams in my head when I finally put it down. Many times, especially when younger, I have read late into the night and then had that peculiar experience of waking with the book on my chest. Anyway, great article and nice to learn more about what drives you in your teaching and writing :-)

Ah those feels! Reading has always been the one constant in my life- everything else comes and goes.

posting is very useful and very good

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Hello @sunravelme. In your post you leave a message of great value; With your example of love for words, stories, books and learning, you can transmit enthusiasm for reading and motivate us to discover new skills in order to grow as people.

This is a good read. I teach as well. I don’t read as much as I would like. #steembookclub?

Hello @sunravelme These articles are fascinating as it is always rewarding to get people with your same tastes and reading and writing is very important for the human being in general, as you say maybe not everyone likes to read but in one way or another always reading comes to our lives awakening the craving for knowledge, I have a preschool and one of our goals is that from very young children learn to love reading they know that a book is the entrance to a magical world full of wisdom and that in books They will find the reason for their existence in this world and a tool to find their purpose in life based on the experience of other people who shaped their lives, their beliefs, their joys and why not say that their pains and sorrows to make the journey of this life much easier, I do not know if like me, you can feel that a book is looking for you, I usually read a book or two a week and many times when you see a book, read its cover I am hooked with it and from that moment appears everywhere the people around me begin to talk about that book, books are the greatest treasure of humanity. Thank you for helping humanity to reconnect with reading and with that magic of books