Man not only pretends to know nature, but wants and needs to transform it. Thus, the world is not only the object of inquiry; it is also the object of the action.
The concept of technology is very broad and refers to very different moments. The most ostensible of it is in the artifacts, in the situations of systematic organization and in the induced changes that it produces.
In almost all institutions, the use of technologies is available, but we must know the potential that this offers.
The relationship between technology and education can be presented in the following significant ways:
- As technological content of a program or educational plan.
- As an auxiliary technological resource in the teaching of any educational content.
- Technology as the problem to be treated as a specific area, in an educational or research context, from the perspective of other disciplines.
- As an area to capture the theoretical-practical relationship, understood as follows: reason-action, characteristic of the technological ingredient.
In the first place, it refers to the themes, programs and plans of classical technological studies, that is, to the educational field of engineering and propaedeutic studies that are oriented in this sense.
In a second case, it refers, on the one hand, to a diversity of objects produced by technology that intervene in multiple situations of the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, what is being formed as an educational technology.
The third case refers to interdisciplinary or metadisciplinary connections; It is well known, the attention paid to the technological phenomenon.
Reference to the concept of technology.
It is seen from the perspective of patents, that is, as a registered model or design; others such as the skill for assembly or construction, as well as habilitation in the operation of equipment, even as machinery, instruments, situations, objects, at the level of the most obvious factual concretions.
The structure that links to technology in the element of knowledge has as its function two large parts, the conceptual and the practical part.
The conceptual that implies:
- The required knowledge.
- The ordering with a purpose of making something.
- The design of something.
The practical part that implies:
- The construction of something subject to design.
- Its operation.
- The utilization.
Some of the ingredients that intervene to carry out the works of technology in education can be quantitative, such as: the applied arithmetic or the relational location that leads to geometry; finally intuitive considerations of mechanics.
Contribution of technology in education.
Technology helps the student have more projection, and its use is inevitable. It has the best educational potential, opening horizons, since it has the resources and possibilities that enrich the teaching-learning process.
Advantages of technology in education.
Children are increasingly exposed to technology and, without a doubt, understand the uses with ease. This situation supposes benefits.
- Improves the search capability.
- Help to learn about what happens in the environment.
- In the case of some games, depending on the age of the student, promotes the ability to socialize and solve problems.
- Promotes the initiative and the hierarchical capacity of the search.
New technologies have arrived, and they are here to stay and that is inevitable. Therefore, technological education should be encouraged.
With the advancement of technology where most of our pupils can access internet and computers so easily, we must keep up with the changes. Instead of rejecting technology, we should make use of it to engage our pupils! I agree that a well-designed lesson can make use of technology to enhance learning with proper planning.