I'm going to be blunt with you. No sugar coating.
If you are in college now or you went to college and you learned how to make money or start your career from a college professor or a textbook.
You got tricked.

You got tricked my friend. You should have learned from people actually doing it.
You want to learn how to make more money? Learn from people making a lot of money.
You want to learn how to start a restaurant? Don’t learn from a textbook or college professor, learn from a person who started a successful restaurant.
That’s what courses from experts a.k.a gurus (the real ones ofcourse) are. They are competing with colleges/universities, and one day your grandchildren will look back at these services that you have the chance to get into and say “wait a second, you mean everybody didn’t do this? You used to drive to buildings and learn from $400 textbooks and $50,000 lectures?”
$50,000 to be lectured! Does that seem fair to you?
You should spend $50,000 to shadow somebody, that’s what the $50,000 should go to, not to sit in a large room and be lectured at.
College is the ultimate money-making machine. They stick a bunch of people in a room, they pay a very intellectual and cerebral professor $150,000, force people to buy a textbook that’s between $200-$400 apiece, and then force them to take huge loans to pay for it all.
Did you know loan interest for college is a massive money maker? It’s a big source of profit, it’s in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Profit.
So they force you to take loans, and then they offer no guarantee you’ll actually get a job to pay off those giant loans. They don’t follow-up with you to continue to train you once you’re in a career stuck. No. There’s nothing.

You’ve been freaking tricked. Bamboozled.
Peter Drucker predicated this, the greatest business teacher of our time, in the 1960’s he said we’ve come into different ages in business, and one of them is the information age, and one day it will be the Knowledge Society, which is applied information. Colleges are in the information age because they just give you information. It’s not knowledge until you KNOW how to do it. KNOW-ledge.
You go to colleges and they just do case studies of restaurants, they show you a whole bunch of theoretical numbers in a textbook, the estimated cost of food, generic lease numbers, and the professor lectures on it for an hour or two. But you don’t really KNOW how to do it until you go out and do it yourself, or shadow somebody who’s doing it.
You can learn more about how to start a restaurant in 30 days working with an owner of a restaurant than you will looking at a textbook.
Imagine if Gordon Ramsay, who’s opening a new Las Vegas restaurant, said to you “hey, come hangout with me, show up at my office at 9am and shadow me for the next 30 days.”
You want to build an online business? Imagine if Jeff Bezos was like “hey, I’m launching a new division of Amazon, come shadow me for 30 days.”
You want to start a business? Imagine shadowing Elon Musk for 30 days.
Dude, by the end of those 30 days you’d be a freaking Rockstar.
If you have any common sense you can just go on Google and see for yourself. Bill Gates, college dropout. Mark Zuckerberg, college dropout. How many people do you need to find? Now, there are some people who went to college, even Warren Buffett is like: “everything I actually learned was out in the field doing it.” And he shadowed Benjamin Graham for 2-3 years. That was when he made his money. Even Abraham Lincoln dropped out of high school.
So the point is not whether school is evil or not, it’s not whether it’s good, it’s what’s the best use of your time. It’s not that college never works, of course it works sometimes. 70% of people go through it.
Anything that 70% of the population goes through you’re going to have some success stories, but the ratio of success to debt, trust me, it’s a freaking nightmare. In the U.S, $1.2 trillion in college debt, and they think it’s closer to $2 trillion. That’s like GDP’s of countries! Just in college debt.

Colleges charge between $10,000 and $100,000 a year depending on where you are, some experts train for $9 a month.
Netflix is $9. Are you willing to wager on your own financial future the same amount that you spend on Netflix to watch The Office. You spend more on freaking cable TV than you will spend on this.
For as little as $9 a month you could change your life and your kids' lives. Hell, you might change your grand kids lives and their grand kids lives. Learn from mentors. From people who we're doing what you are trying to do. Guess what!! You end up doing what they are doing. Now I am lucky enough to teach others how to do what I'm doing. It's the cycle of life my friends.
So are you going to learn from those that are doing it or are you going to stick with the old archaic way of learning from school? The choice is yours.

Choose wisely guys. Get into that courseyou have been procrastinating about, approach that guy in your neighborhood you think is where you need to be and ask him how he does it. Remember, the door opens only to those who knock.
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COURTESY: @julietisrael
Nice Job. 👍