Would you be willing to share how much you charged, how you found clients, and how much time you spent on each project when you were ghost writing Master's Theses?
Always on the lookout for a side gig... 🙂
Have a great weekend brother
Solid piece @richq11 🤝
@scan0017 🤜🤛
To begin with, the clients found me. My freshman year I met a guy that was in the masters program (in education) and I wrote his... It just took off from there. The price varied with how much work I had to do and what discipline it was. If they had the research material and a subject, I'd charge around $350-$500 for something like Political Science or Econ. It seemed that Psychology attracted a lot of dumb students. We also had a lot of rich Arabs going to school there (most drove Ferraris)... They never had any research material or even a subject for the paper... I'd hit them for up to $2500. It usually didn't take too long once I had the material... I could crank out 25 -35 pages in a weekend.
That's awesome man; as students, you do what you need to do to get by...
The morality is suspect but when the profs are doing the same bloody thing what the hell?
If school is meant to prepare students for life then it's the intelligent ones who work on BOTH sides of this fair trade, mutually beneficial arrangement which, ultimately , is what life is all about in a civilized, capitalist society.
Back in the 90's I would 'donate' (sell) plasma so I could buy my chemistry and biology textbooks.
Earned my Doctoral degree, along with the scar on my left arm from the more than 20 sessions (1.5 hours each time) where they would cycle your blood in and out of your arm, separating the plasma...
I like your way better.
Thanks for sharing the details;
quite a fascinating tale indeed!
Plus I had a wife and 4 kids at the time! I needed the money!!!
That last line reminds me of a joke once told by Andrew Dice Clay about little boy blue... 😂