While I'm not necessarily a huge fan of college I'm not completely against it either. I think if you're going for some focused or targeted degree ie engineering,accounting, teaching, law, doctor, etc it makes sense. If your just going to get a liberal arts degree not a whole lot of ROI on that.
College costs are exploding and wages aren't really increasing so its getting to the point where your not really going to see a return on your money.
An interesting program a buddy of mine did was one called praxis, kinda like a certificate program or trade school for white collar jobs but an alternative to college.
Pretty interesting concept 1 year program so not 4 years. 6 months is self study, 6 months internship working in your field. Nice that there's no BS general requirement classes, its all targeted. Fields are like marketing, copywriting, coding/programming, sales. It costs 11k and you come out ahead money since your working during the program and at the end your guranteed a job making 45k a year or more starting. Only catch is its pretty selective 11% of applicants get in.
I'd love to see more alternatives to college like this