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RE: Diseducating America: The Legacy Of A Fraudulent Education System

in #education8 years ago

I think you're right. If you want to be a good writer, here's my advice... First- read. Read everything, after a while you kinda internalize it and that helps you develop a style. The other thing is write. Write about things you know about, things you've lived. I'm not a good writer by any stretch of the imagination- but I love to do it and I've got a book coming out in Nov.

I love Stephen King, but really he's not that good of a writer. He's magnificent as a storyteller though... so good in fact, that you don't even notice that he's not that good of a writer. For example when he writes dialogues, he never uses adverbs... everything is like "he said" or "she said." Never "he said excitedly" or something like that. But his ability as a storyteller is so incredible you never notice. It took me about 15 books to notice.


I know he's against adverbs. I remember reading that in an interview and feeling guilty whenever I use one. Yes, he is very hard to find out.
Excellent advice, it's what I try to do, read and write. SK once said that if you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write, and I try to stick to that.
What's the book about, if I may? And Ithink you're an excellent writer.

It's both of the Night Gods stories (NG & NG II) combined featuring the artwork of marty-art the guy that does the pics for me here. It should be out in Nov. It's already written and I'm editing the chapters and sending them to Marty who does the art and layout. And, thank you for the compliment!!!

Forget about SK and what he says. What works for him, works for him and may not work for you. So don't feel guilty about using adverbs. I do it purposely so I won't be like him... Find what works for you and do that- be yourself!!!

I'm looking forward to your book!
Thank you for the advice! It's greatly appreciated. You're right, I should follow my own rules.

I spent years doing academic writing- very specific rules of grammar and structure. I love the freedom of writing fiction- I just make up my own. As long as it reads smooth, it's all good with me.

Don't worry about success or trying to compare your writing with anyone else's... Just do your own thing. One thing I've noticed when I go back to edit stuff for the book is that my writing is improving all the time- your's will too. My first story was a murder mystery. I was going for a film noir motif... It sucked!!! It was so bad I quit writing after 4-5 chapters... I stunk the place up with it, So just keep writing- like anything else, practice makes perfect (or at least better)

Urgh, academic writing is horrible, in my opinion. I haven't had to deal with it (luckily) since I'm unschooled, but lately, I've been considering taking my SATs and part of that is writing essays. And I find I'm terrible at it because I can't write without a voice. I tend to speak my mind when I write, express something, not write flat.

Thank you so very much (again) for the advice. I really, really appreciate it. And yes, I do find it improves over time. I think back to my first, childish stories with a mix of horror and fondness and I realize how much I've grown. Of course, I will always write. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to. I bet you know the feeling.

How well I know the feeling... I get up at 3 AM and start drinking coffee and writing. When I say academic writing, I don't mean essays, I mean academic studies like you find in journals- The Journal of International Law- Latin American Research Review.

Ah I see! Sorry, the only academic writing I've come across is an essay....but I see what you mean now.
Wow. how do you get up so early? I usually write during the day, although I've always been a night owl, so I usually go to sleep at 3, but I can't write anything by then. I do read during the night, though. But as you said, it's about what works for you.