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RE: Education: What to do about it...

in #education8 years ago

To me the solution is simple (it always is) HOMESCHOOL! Adam Smith wrote in The Theory of Moral Sentiments that it is the duty of parents to teach their children to avoid having them indoctrinated and inculcated with values alien to the values of the parents.

I homeschooled all 4 of mine while my wife worked. It was an immense financial strain... having an MA made me the logical breadwinner, but the future of our children was more important than upward mobility. It was a sacrifice I'm thrilled to have made given the success of my children. If people complain about how the country is doing perhaps they should have thought about it before sending their children into the moral wasteland and intellectual cesspool of public education.

By the way, I've been meaning to ask... Have you heard anything about Ben Swann?


I haven't heard anything new from Ben Swann or about him in awhile. I wrote about him not long ago and found a good article and the guy that wrote that article ended up joining steemit. So we hopefully have more people that are keeping tabs and keeping an eye out for him joining us here. I really miss his work.

I'd be happy just to learn that he's still converting oxygen to carbon dioxide!

Last I heard awhile back is that he is... I also heard it from someone in Atlanta.

As long as he is alive and well... I'm sure we'll hear from him again. You can't keep a good man down!