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RE: School is Dead - Welcome to the Future

in #education9 years ago

I think we need both. I don't see something like this building with reliability useful adults, scientist, etc. YES, some kids will do brilliant but a lot more need structure and constant help and a bit of a push. I dunno.

I' not one to believe the government is brainwashing through education. That's a bit too much for me.


Agreed. I work as school teacher, and while I see kids at school and school system are failing at many things, we teachers are often thier only guidance in life. Idea of no normal school wold be teriffiyng, becuse lots of kids would be left to themselfs for education nad lifematters. There wold be chaos. Ideas like this shoud be mandatory afterschool expirience or just like this one summercamps, where they could thrive in creative chaos.

Being left to themselves would be much better than herding them into such an abysmal institution, as far as I'm concerned. Public school is just socialized daycare. Citizens are robbed and extorted to pay for the training of obedient workers and most of the parents are complaisant because they want to outsource their parenting responsibilities.

Moden school has lots of problems. But in that socialized daycare kids get some skills while they have fight for they place, and learn some basic skills and to way function in community which is mostly harsh and realistic. As I offten explain to them its not about what they learn (to replicate), but its about the journey they go throuhg in preparation for their future lifes. Lots of parents don't have and don't spend enough time with their kids, and that impacts school system a lot. Its like from 8:00-14:00 its not parents problem, and after they come home they are too tired. Without right care kids die out, its like with plants . You must nurture them while they are young, else you will have harder life later, or will be lost in shrubs.
TLDR Problem is not within schools, its in society, we must tend for every kid, and his future, that is something parents sometimes don't see. Time and effort you spend with them, pays out with dividends in future. As techer its is hard to put passion in student, becuse that is parents and society role.

I agree that shitty parenting is the ultimate underlying problem. The state just takes advantage of it. "Oh what's that? You'd rather not be a full time parent? No problem! We'll be happy to take them off your hands!"