Spiritual Power (the Sacred Code & the Duality Nature of Forces) According to the All-seeing EYE

in #education7 years ago (edited)


With great power comes great responsibility ...

There seems to be a very fine line between understanding the importance and relevance of the power one will achieve through the self-empowerment of consciousness and the indifference of the unconscious mind. For this reason, I share my personal observation of the insights and experiences as to what I have achieved to further enlighten those who wish to expand their intelligence and knowledge.

To emphasize the point of this topic, I will first discuss the actualization of duality, the dark and light forces that exist within the human experience.

Duality, unfortunately, is very much a part of us, like it or not, we as a race of beings have inherited both the night and the day of consciousness. The primary reason we who seek enlightenment speak often about the shadows that reside within is exactly for this reason... To shed light on the fact, we are two of a kind, and untell we are fully aware of this truth, our state of mind will remain stagnant and trapped in the prism of the Ego, causing further destruction and illness. For one part of the whole will ultimately overpower the entire aspect of the self, causing havoc, and this is not what we want, not the chaos, but the ability to empower and remove that which threatens to harm the sanctuary of the temple.


What I have observed as I climb the tree of life with all my efforts and determination is appearing to be the following...

Upon awakening into the self, I immediately feel a surge of energy, and because my whole self is not as of yet activated, my primal instincts tend to want the helm of control. As much as the idea of using the power I have achieved from within to smash the others who threaten the peace and statuary of life, this temptation must be overcome; the objective remains unchecked and actualized to its full potential of self. What I am trying to say, is, refrain from smashing the opposing dark natured until such time as the smashing is happening as a show of mercy.

Remember, we who are awakening need not play in the physical realm alone, as we are granted the source to the spiritual realm and from there, we may use our power to manage and combat the darkness. From the realm of dreams to the peaks of heavens mountains, we may... Let it be clearly understood, we are in a battle and the dark do know some of the abilities to combat us in the spirit realm, but their greatest power is in the physical world and not in the worlds of ours. They are artificially empowered where we are empowered by natural forces and this is our power. We hold the sacred force of life, we are the purified, the brave, and the awakened. Remember and remain honourable or you will fall as have so many before you have, and that is against the oath we took as Warriors of Spirit. Do not fall, the victim, do not allow rage to cloud your judgement and choices, use response and hold from using reaction. Yes, it is very human to want to rip these fully darkened, right-brained, unemotional, without love, feeding on fear alone, parasites, but we know better than to be lowered to their level, don't we?

'It is without the wisdom to do without that of which is part of the whole'

What I am slowing beginning to understand is really just the tip of the iceberg as far as the whole picture is concerned.

Building myself up, as much as I immediately feel like slamming the hammer on the opposition of the indifferent and the ignorant, I must use all my power instead to refrain from causing harm where harm is not justifiable or otherwise of any use., except to say, for the immediate pleasure of satisfaction.


With great power comes great responsibility...

To emphasize the reality of truth, one must push forward past the temptation to use what has been granted until such time as the use of power is rightfully called for.

In conclusion;
The world we live in, this place we call home, Earth, is a place of two sides to every being, one-half light, one-half dark. Depending on the circumstances of the life one may be experiencing, one-half of the two will and is determining the entire aspect of the experience.

...But, once the person, as in my personal case, understands the personal balance of power and the importance of the two halves, this man can step into, with ease, the next phase of enlightenment.

LIGHT one.jpg

Knowledge, be it primal and or evolved, is the knowledge of the centre that for which is running the operation of the show we see before us. Primal operators run on autopilot for 80% of the time, whereas the evolved operates at a higher frequency, at the level of consciousness beyond the subconscious mind and for this reason can easily overpower the unaware.

Yet, there continues to exist the fine line between the temptations and the enacting of such temptations, for this reason, I speak about the responsibility of great power. Yes, power is a force to be reckoned with and has great potential, but when used for the purpose of destruction for the satisfaction of initiating the few who are unconscious to its powers is futile. This brings me to the point...

To harness energy and not be so foolish as to use it up or waste it on futile objectives is to develop a wisdom that surpasses mankind. One who lives by the code of conduct, one of rightful will indeed live as a beacon of light and divine strength.

Thow who understands, to use your power to defeat the darkness of the world is frightful, but the use of power must be utilized on the premise of defence for we live in the epicentre of hell and know all too well, the opposition, the single-minded unconscious of life on earth, need to be stopped.

So, to understand the responsibility of the power granted to you who are purifying your heart, we must stand fast in the face of fiery, and not be so easily influenced to react. Otherwise, the darkness will achieve its objective and their objective is quite clear, to overpower the light and control that for which they do not understand. Namely, to control that for which they fear... 'DREAD'

Let's be clear about this, fear is what they understand and fear is their only conscious source of energy, they feed and relish in fear. For this reason, they are the shadows of pain and suffering, chaos and war, hell on Earth.

Explanation of the literal;
The opposite of love is fear...
They, fear as in 'dread' LOVE because love is what they lack or otherwise DO NOT understand from within the self.


To be awakened is not to be close-eyed or to cover your ears; quite the contrary, the awakening has appeared to empower the light and bring forth with vengeance and rage in a rightfully way, into the world of ours, so as to neutralize them. To become completely passive and unenergized with the darkness within as much as the light is to fall deeper into a sleep that has little penetrating force, further breading complacency and ultimately losing to the force of darkness.

...because darkness does not rest nor will they simply fade away, but we are empowered to affect them in a way they are not capable of doing for themselves, and this is the point is it not. To break through...

thunder or sunrise, choose your weapon of clarity and come forward, even in meditation, when speaking to the gods aka divine souls, one must be continually choosing the tools to better counter what is darkness, otherwise, the responsibility of such a glorious gift is wasteful and has little impact as it was purposed for.


Be wise to learn and learn you shall, we do not communicate in the literal or speak in the tough: the careless handling of the physical.


Welcome to the 5 Density, we have the eyes and the energy to break through, we are pure in heart and rightfully appointed the position of Warrior Spirit.

Blessings, Balance, Peace and Courage (Focus) Namaste

Ricardo J. Raposo aka philosopher-king aka Divine Counter-intelligence