Divine Intervention, We Are Legion - The Experience - Introduction


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Divine Intervention, We Are Legion - The Experience

By Ricardo J. Raposo aka Divine Counter-intelligence


Welcome to Divine Intervention, The Computerized Orchestra/Book Presentation!

For the experience exceeding limits, transcending the reach of common expectations; concerning a personal adventure that will change everything.

To embark on a journey deep within hidden knowledge, through the passage of time, where science, spirit, nature, technology and divine power merge into one.

Enjoy the Ride!

Guided by Divine forces I wrote, produced and created the compilation of short film, music, art, videos, and creative presentations on awareness...

With the use of
...meditation guided by frequency to raise your conscious awareness, to guide you along the path to awakening. To better fulfil your needs for answers by way of answering the call.

This presentation also includes lectures, speeches, lessons, knowledge sharing from the minds of the most profound intelligence known to mankind, from the ancients to the world of the modern era. No stone has been left unturned, no secret unveiled, no truth unacknowledged.

All six senses are to be experienced within the profound chapters I have played out for you...

My intention is to assist with helping this world for the greater good.

Personal path...

My life has many short stories...
All of which are part of the process.

I have unconsciously experienced a variety of processions, relationships and altogether different environments.

I now clearly understand why my life has gone done many paths, so I would ultimately experience various perspectives by the virtue of experiencing to acquire first-hand knowledge.

Yes, I have journeyed through the good, the bad, the ugly and the BEAUTIFUL. As a result of my travelled paths I have acquired, earned and acknowledge profound wisdom, but the gift is not enough. As part of the principal of wisdom I obligated to share all of which has been granted to me.

Here is where I am coming from and this is why I have created Divine Intervention.

My hope is for the young, my wish if for the greater good of all life on earth and my reward has already been gifted, wisdom is the reward.

Call it Conscious Enlightenment, call it Divine Intelligence call it grace, regardless of how we identify with the conscious rising; the experience is the same.

Lead yourself through the path, to the way.

I have unconditionally and without any form of monetary conditions, created a guiding hand of knowledge to help guide you to the apex moment. Breaking through.

Who Am I?

I am the Indigo Spirit. I am the wisdom of the new and moral. I am the warrior who has experienced both heaven and hell. I am the element of love, the cure for ignorance and the light for those who struggle in the darkness. I am inner strength incarnation. I AM FEARLESS!

Otherwise understood as the sense of 6 - Empath
A person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

My sincerest regards,

Wishing you many blessings, a brave heart, an open mind, a strong will and fire in your heart to succeed.

You are more powerful than you know, extremely beautiful in spirit, destined to awaken, and don't bullshit yourself to believe otherwise. From my soul, I have spoken.

This is your Divine Recovery Program...

There are 222 steps, consider each chapter and subchapter a page of the book, turn each one only after you have given your energy to learning the previous pages. Take each step with a heartfelt effort and know, you have come this far, but you have the responsibility to yourself and for the children of this world to continue on.

The steps are created in a countdown sequence for a purpose, and on that fateful day, when you have arrived at the new beginning, only then will you understand why.

I wish for you courage and clarity along the way. Please know, I am counting on you to join me on this noble cause for wellness, and truly believe you can complete this honourable task in 369 days...

1y + 4d = 5

5 Symbolizes the divine power of change

'To understand the secret to 369 is to understand the secrets of the Universe.'

  • Nikola Tesla


Divine Counter- intelligence (Life-force)

An enormous thank you to all who have created the work, I have shared within the pages of Divine Intervention, for the sole purpose of assisting humanity out from the storm and into the light. To all the artists, creators, publishers, writers, freethinkers, genius, brave, conscience caring, visionaries, practitioners, scientists, healers, guides, musicians, and filmmakers.

Gratitude expands to...

I would like to thank those who are closes to my heart for their patients, especially my dear brother John, who has supported me all the way through my divine transition.

Gratitude for the Founders of MeWe, the Next Generation of Social Media

I would also like to take a moment to thank the Founders of MeWe, for if it wasn't for their vision I would not have had the opportunity to reveal the intuitive revelations of knowledge, and spiritual pureness to you in the form of Divine Intervention.

Lastly but certainly not least,

I wholeheartedly, with pride for him who shares my heart, dedicate the core creation of Divine Intervention to my son Noah.

For it is you my dear son who has inspired my work and given me more than you could ever possibly know.

With all the love beyond this world to you my son, Noah.

Please know, I never meant to cause you pain, for you are an innocent bystander in the creation, you have witnessed created out of chaos.

Ricardo J. Raposo (Dad)

To you who are cold-blooded and cruel

I know you're out there...

Sign up for the whole experience @ mewe.com/i/ricardo.raposo