Chapter 123 Divine Intervention - The artificial prism of energy


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Chapter 123 Divine Intervention

The artificial prism of energy;

I agree with being at peace and I know after much self-reflection over the past year I am in peace. However, the Ego, the brain of mine does continue to observe what is happening and what is happening has no true explanation.

There is a subtle caging or prism of energy that exists in the outer area of my body.

This cage or subtle energy is unfamiliar and in my opinion artificial.

This energy does not belong here, it is man-made or otherwise, none the less, this artificial energy is not divine nor benevolent. I know because I have gone deep within to the core of my being and have returned from that point, only to find a static of energy surrounding me.

In physical form this energy seems to exist, it manipulates the human senses, causes the mind of man to believe in its power, yet has no true essence.

There exists an unnatural force around the body of mankind, fowl and false this energy. The strongest of it false power is experienced in the Cities, places of technical marvel and large population.

The way has been blocked by the artificial energy in most cases. Nature is the gateway out from within the artificial energy as I have experienced. Knowing this, it is of my opinion, mankind is being called back into nature in order to become free from the limiting environment it most likely is living within in the here and now.

So you see my friend, my soul knows it has been caged. The flame of the warrior within has been alerted and sparked to become free.

When everything begins to tie together you often wonder how no one else can see it...

Cognitive dissonance aka artificial prism of energy.

Ricardo J. Raposo aka Divine Counter-intelligence

Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? Dec 2000

Music by
Moby & Elton John
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Published on Aug 18, 2012

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