Thank you @lemouth for your encouragement and support!
Yes , I think in order for the project to work, there is a certain level of dedication from all actors. It cannot be thought of something on the side like a "time-to-time" activity. The students must feel that the teacher cares for them in order to be fully receptive, thus for the lesson to be 100% effective. That requires a certain regularity, hence time.
I admitted I pondered the idea for a while before going into it. Because once the project launched, I needed to make sure that I could hold schedule-wise.
The solution I found was to integrate my weekly lessons with Nigeria, within my professional lesson schedule like if it was for one of my customers (student, group or classroom). By linking it to my professional activity, I realized I can optimize the time required as it allows me to make it part of my weekly 'routine'.
Think about it ;-)!
I am already running after time and I cannot cope with everything I have to do. Even if I really want to help.
This year, I will go to Africa (partly funded from my own pocket) to teach to African students. Most of them cannot afford a trip outside to attend particle physics schools, so that a school decided to come to them. It got funding to support the trips of the 80-90 students and I am very proud to go there to help. My contribution to make this world better :)
Wow! That is just amazing @lemouth!
I am very curious about that. Can you tell me more?
@trumpman also asked me about it. I may write a post about it soonish or later. When I will have finished my two-post series on the CPT-symmetric universe :D