Thank you for posting it, I love reading about anything that can teach me new ways of doing things- Life is such an expierence, as parents we always second guess ourselves and feel no matter what we do we are being judged, even if we feel we are doing it the right way- someone else may disagree, just because evryone does parent differently, & that is okay! It would be a boring world if everyone were raised the same! I love learning new techniques that I can use in my day-to-day life with my family so thank you for your post!
Thank you for posting it, I love reading about anything that can teach me new ways of doing things- Life is such an expierence, as parents we always second guess ourselves and feel no matter what we do we are being judged, even if we feel we are doing it the right way- someone else may disagree, just because evryone does parent differently, & that is okay! It would be a boring world if everyone were raised the same! I love learning new techniques that I can use in my day-to-day life with my family so thank you for your post!