When the child is school phobic
"brother do not want to go to school, brother is afraid of same teacher, teacher fierce, brother sick belly, sister not feeling well, so may not sister go to school, sister want at home only, can not you?
The above sentence easily slid from the tiny mouth of the little boy who suddenly broke down the school. Various reasons put forward, abdominal pain, headaches, his teacher is fierce, his friends are naughty and a thousand other reasons. If the child is still small, still kindergarten or grade 1 elementary school. This strike increasingly makes parents confused, whether the reason is true or contrived.
Not infrequently parents can only be silent watching the little boy's behavior. Forcing a child to leave school is afraid to stress, or if it is true what the child is saying, how to behave? In addition, parents confusion also occurs when a child who is time school but still not want to go to school. Those are some of the characteristics of children who have a school phobia.
What is a school phobia? In some psychological literature, school phobia is defined as a form of high anxiety towards school, which appears in the days leading up to school. This disguise is usually accompanied by complaints that never appear on a Sunday / holiday day or when the "departure period" is over.
What should parents do?
In fact, school strikes are not a serious problem, unless accompanied by serious health problems, but if left to drag on it can also become serious. There are some important things parents can do if a child has a school phobia, including:
- Keep stressing the importance of school.
- Strive firmly and consistently;
- Release the child gradually;
- Spend some time discussing with the child;
- Working with teachers in schools;
- Consult a doctor and psychologist if the problem persists.
If it is not done it will cause emotional distress that interfere with the concentration of children's learning, consequently the child is difficult to become an adult individual.
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