I empathize with you. I've not dealt with a college on the level you have, but because the school my daughter attended was more interested in the clothes she wore and not her education, I removed her to home school her. She was in 7th grade at the time.
During her disenrollment, I was asked what curriculum I was going to follow, I responded by asking for a copy of theirs. Their response was, "Oh, we don't have one. We teach to the TAKS" (TAAS, or whatever the state-mandated test was called then). So, you see, I believe you are right - the education system is, well, compromised at the very least.
I would like to introduce you to VIVA. It is a multi-tiered digital economy being built, and one of the programs within it is called POETS: Proof of Educational Transcript System. Within this program, students can hand-pick courses and instructors at the college level. This program is also in the process of being built. You can become a part of this and help shape the design.
The VIVAconomy, the blockchain upon which POETS will be built, is thriving - even though not fully launched. However, with VIVA.cash and Galaxy Vault about to open, the VIVAconomy will explode. Many programs, like POETS, Votabit and Medicaxxes will also thrive and change lives. Fell free to visit the web site at https://vivaco.in. The blog page also has more in-depth information about many of the projects within VIVA: https://blog.vivaco.in/.
I thought you may be interested in it. If you are, please email me at sherryd@vivaco.in. I'll be happy to answer any question you may have.
Thanks very much for the thoughtful reply,
You're certainly not the only one the system isn't working for!
I am very interested in alternatives to education, moving to online tuition in some form will be my next step, and I have to get it right (ie right platform) as it is a hell of a lot of work just uploading resources (even if they are all created).
Here is the main website for VIVA (https://vivaco.in). Scroll down and you will see a short description of POETS, the educational platform. You can also find more about VIVA on the blog page: https://blog.vivaco.in.
I'm directly related to several projects within the VIVAconomy, but POETS is not one of them. I may be able to get you in touch with the right person, once I know she has actually started the project. Currently, she's working on some of the main components of VIVA itself.
I believe the project will begin development within this next year. In the meantime, feel free to explore VIVA.
As well as the Director of Accounting for VIVA, I'm also directly involved with the development of a new social media platform. Much like Steemit, this platform is built upon a transparent (hyperledger) blockchain, but the payout is based upon merit and participation, rather than on the size of one's wallet.
If you have any questions, or would like to be a part of the VIVAconomy, please feel free to email me at sherryd@vivaco.in.