Wow I'm totally shocked to hear of this game. I won't even express what I feel of whoever created it, it's so unbelievable.
I'm so pleased you the 'whale' caught your attention and you checked this out and are spreading this awareness. I've Re-steemed and will share on Facebook too. Parents need to know about this.
I agree with you that lying is not a good example to set to children and they are usually more tuned in than adults and feel it straight away. And yes many will want to try it more if they're told not to!
Discussing the dangers and choosing what is right and safe for yourself and your friends seems like a much better way to deal with it.
I hope it is banned, but that might not stop what is already in circulation.
Shocked is the right word here as is 'unbelievable'. The creator of this game has been arrested, the game is still on strangely enough. In a way, i shouldn't have given it more publicity but on the other hand we ought to know about it's existence, a difficult trade-off, I tried to not make it spectacular and spoke more about how i dealt with it. Let me just hope things like that don't cross my way too much as I love the general positivity on Steemit. Much love and thanks for your beautiful comment and resteem
I feel awareness is so important. You don't know how many lives might be saved because you posted and others have shared and it also makes people more aware of what other games might be doing to children too. It so easy for parents to be busy and trust that these games are ok, so that awareness being shared is so important.
Steemit is very positive, but sharing awareness and truth is creating a better world and that is a very positive thing to do. You're welcome. Thanks for sharing what is going on, as a parent I feel it is very important to know this kind of information.