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RE: [dTube] Entire College Departments Are Being Bought

in #education7 years ago

How you solve this problem is to stop voting for political candidates who take corporate donations. Once you have people representing you who actually care about your opinion, then policy changes will follow. That's what the "it's complicated" versus "too idealistic" political canard misses. Candidates who accept millions and millions of dollars from various donors respond to the desires of their donors instead of their constituents. Stop voting for bought candidates, because when you do you are literally wasting your vote. They will not represent your interests. Same thing is true with academia. Don't like that the Koch brothers bought out the program at a private college? Don't pay for education there. Don't hire from colleges that have sold out their credibility to corporate interests. Not unlike what you do when social media platforms start demonetizing channels and censoring content - you go to Steemit or some other platform with credibility. It's that simple. DNC and RNC are corrupt? Vote third party. It's really not that hard to fix. The problem is that people want their problems fixed for them without having to actually change their behavior.