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RE: Only a fool ...

in #education7 years ago

Keeping kids out of the state-indoctrination centres known as schools is the best way to keep them safe. The biggest lessons taught in school are to obey authority and mindlessly regurgitate information, with little to no emphasis on critical thinking or free thought. The worst part? Obeying authority is instilled as a virtue and mindlessly regurgitating information is perceived as intelligence. Kids should be taught how to think, not what to think.


Let's not overlook how they at least help children to socialize. Specialized education runs the feal of making them secluded snobs.

Yes, they do help them socialize don't they. SOCIALize. Turn them into good functioning communists while they come home pregnant, get exposed to drugs and if they don't fit in with the in crowd they are bullied and treated like pariah. Great place for kids to socialize. Try homeschooling and find a HOME SCHOOL group to socialize with. My four sons were actually interacting with kids 5-10 years older then they were as they home schooled. They didn't get bullied and they didn't get scorned because they weren't jocks or drug pushers. Plus if you have values? Forget them. The pubic skewl cistern is going to rot them right out of their brains. You won't know your kids when they are done. And if you're really lucky they will bring in a recruiter and con them into joining Uncle Scams military to go off to far away distant places, meet strange unusual people and kill them, then come home and blow their own heads off because they can't live with what they did. Great place. Just for some socialization.

I wish I could have home schooled my daughter.

Unless you are a single parent you COULD have. The unit study programs available got my wife through four sons over a 20 year period. We sacrificed over $1,000,000 by keeping her home and having her be a MOTHER instead of going out and being an RN. 20 years x an average of $50,000 a year. You figure.
But we don't drive new cars. We buy them 6 years old and drive them until they fall apart. We don't own a fancy new house like so many of my neighbors that send their kids to the place where their brains are removed and replaced with state worshiping BORG brains. Reason and LOGIC are long gone in the gooberment skewl cisterns.

I was a single parent. My daughter is now an adult. You made a great sacrifice, and in my opinion totally worth it. I live in the UK and to be honest at the time I did not know you could home school, but have since learned it is totally possible; but as you say easier if you are not a single parent. I