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RE: Why I believe teachers should be paid DOUBLE!

in #education8 years ago

Wouldn't it be better, instead of paying them double, to hire double as many teacher?

Less workload and stress, more teaching happens, pupils get more attention.


Wouldn't you want to study for a degree for 4years and then get paid accordingly without sharing your cut with someone else? A nurse, for example, studies for the same period and gets paid more, accountants, managers, human resources, etc.

Here a nurse gets paid less, and they have to work in the night and doubleshifts.

Anyway it does not answer my question. More teachers or better paid teachers, what would you prefer?

I have answered your question, so now answer mine.

If you want to play that game: No, you haven't answered mine.

If you are hinting at "your cut" then I say that it is not "my" cut, because I never had it.

Or did you mean the cut of the second teacher that should get nothing so that you can double your income?

I believe MY post heading is Why I (me) believe teachers should be paid double. YOU are under no obligation to agree with me. I have answered your question. The "second" teacher you are referring to, will have a job somewhere else because children are born everyday and they don't become less. Whether it's another town, another school, another continent, teachers will always be teachers. It is not about doubling an income at the expense of someone else. You are missing the point of this post. I am not here to agree or disagree with you. Enjoy your day ;)

@therussianmonk You see...this is where the green nose would have came in very handy ;)