Every Blogger Needs The Growth Mindset

in #education7 years ago (edited)


Recently I came across this idea known as the growth mindset by Carol Dweck. As I read, I found the ideas it held lined up with my take on blogging. This mindset has several points or attributes that help us achieve goals and milestones. Without this mindset we limit ourselves in both our mental ability and our ability to overcome obstacles.

The opposite mindset is known as the fixed mindset. It keeps us focused on talents and outcomes but misses the process. When we have this fixed mindset, we run into challenges and give up. This is because we think we are not good enough or that we could never learn what it is that we need to learn.

Don't have a fixed mindset on the growth mindset!

The growth mindset is said to be 65 percent effort and only 35 percent ability. It is our desire to learn and improve after each and every success or failure. This is not something that we need to train for or study to be the best. All we need to do is change our outlook on life.

Here are five common sayings or thoughts someone with a fixed mindset has and we will alter them in order to have the frame of a growth mindset.

  1. I'm not good at this.
    -- What am I missing?
  2. I'm awesome at this!
    -- I'm on the right track!
  3. I give up.
    -- What lessons can I learn from this?
  4. This is too hard.
    -- This will take extra effort.
  5. I can't make this any better.
    -- I can always improve.

As we can see it is very easy to change the frame of the thought and make it growth oriented. Even if the most talented person at any given task has a fixed mindset, they will not see their true ability. For anyone that seems only average, implementing this shift in thought could be the difference between sticking through the dips or giving up too soon.

Science now knows that our brains are not set in a certain way at a certain age. Instead, studies have found that the brain is more 'plastic.' It is able to adapt over time to the external stimuli and internal monologue we give ourselves. No one has the growth mindset in every part of their life but we are able to train our brains to use that mindset as our default over time.


Blogging with the Growth Mindset Leads to:

Embrace Our Blogging Challenges

When we implement the growth mindset to our blog, we are better able to see the obstacles and work through them. So many people start a blog with dreams of meeting new people, creating a tribe, and earning some extra cash. It never takes long for their dreams to be crushed by the cruel weight of the internet.

This is why so many new bloggers give up after a month's time or so. Some even a week, when their mindset is fixed and the instant gratification is nowhere to be found. We need to be different! If you are new to blogging or if you are just new to this platform, it is imperative to realize the challenges.

Blogging takes work and will seem like a waste of time when no one is reading. Embrace this and keep working to create the best content you can. There are many posts that I wrote over the last 15 years that no one read. The growth mindset was there with me back then and I took the time to learn what I may have been missing in order to gain traction.

Persist through the blogging setbacks

There will be days when our latest post gets a ton of traction, comments, and upvotes. Feels so amazing and it injects a newfound fire to write the next day. So we do, we write the best post we can for that day and then no one reads. This may go on for several days or weeks. @jerrybanfield called this "The Dip" in one of his videos that I saw.

Without the growth mindset, we will fall off. We will see no point in blogging when no one is reading or it feels like everyone left. Instead of throwing our hands up, we need to ask, "What am I missing?" and then search for an answer. When we find one, we need to implement and look at the results. This process never ends if we want to grow our blog every day.

Effort is the path to mastery

If we are not putting in the effort to make the best, we can never expect to master this craft. Blogging is a unique craft that pours from our mind and into a word processor. When we do not put enough effort into each post to make them our best, we stagnate. Stagnation will only keep us where we are but our goal is to grow and be a successful blogger.

With effort comes more intent practice and that turns around to a better blog post each writing session. We also start to find our internal voice and how to express ourselves. Do not run away when a blog post requires more effort that originally expected. It is through that effort that we are able to stand out among the mass of effortless posts.

Learn from all blog criticism

When we put blogging into the growth mindset, we are better able to accept and deal with criticism that may come our way. It is wise to listen to all the critics so that we can improve our blog over time. Each post gets more and more refined as we do.

Without honest criticism we may end up thinking our posts are the best and this will lead us into the fixed mindset. We don't need to be slaves to the criticism because sometimes the user is only trolling. Read over each critic and find the nuggets that will take your blog to the next level.


Find inspiration form the success of other bloggers

It is common to hear people saying to stay away from the trending page. This is because it will only make us depressed that some content has little to no effort and is earning way more than we ever have. This is true and I too tend to stay off the main trending page.

However, it is not good to look at every post doing better than ours with disdain. If we see a friend or fellow community member doing well on a post and we see them improving, it is good to use that as inspiration as a continuation of our own efforts. Having a growth mindset makes this easier to do.

Higher Achievement for Our Blogs

All of the above give us the mental edge to grow our blog to its true potential. Not full potential because we can always be better and learn something new. By making the choice to shift every thought around our work into one aligned with the growth mindset, we are better able to engage in the actions we talked about.

For more information and a look at the scientific studies around the growth mindset, head over to mindsetworks.com. There is more general knowledge there and proof to back up the claims. We may never be the best or most popular blogger on the internet but we can be much better than we are today.

Thanks for reading!

If you have a blogging topic that you would like my 15-year experience on, let me know in the comment section!

Other Posts in the "Blog Coaching" Series:

Do Not Underestimate STEEM
Answers To Bid-Bot Questions You Need To Know
How To Use Steemit Bid Bots Effectively
4 Reasons To Avoid Steemit Drama
Using Journals To Improve Our Blog

All images came from royalty and attribution free sources unless specified

This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @jrswab from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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absolutely right i agree to all your points specially these lines

Without the growth mindset, we will fall off. We will see no point in blogging when no one is reading or it feels like everyone left. Instead of throwing our hands up, we need to ask, "What am I missing?" and then search for an answer. When we find one, we need to implement and look at the results. This process never ends if we want to grow our blog every day.

Thank you for this post. I am going to bookmark this as I move into creating more content for Steem. Currently I am in the process of learning as much as I can and resources like this are greatly appreciated.

this is a great post to read for me right now. I entered steemit 11 days ago and have had ups and downs like a rollercoaster already. I am reading and reading and reading and commenting and commenting and commenting, but noone seems to be seeing my blogs. So, yes, I need to accept there are skills I need to learn technically in order to reach people.
Yes, I need to slow down my expectations. Thanks for reminding me. Good stuff.

You should join the PAL discord group from the @minnowsupport project. You can meet a lot of really great people there. It was the single best choice I made leading me to my current situation on steemit

Hey @jrswab

Being blogger I can completely relate with the article.

Blogging is really tough task because we need to wear so many hats. We need to take care of SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Content Distribution et cetera.

I complete agree with we. We must have a big picture mindset to conquer small failures, blogging need patience. We have to work hard to get ranked on Google.

A positive mindset and blogging road-map can make our blogging journey easier. For new bloggers, I would recommend to focus on a niche and narrow audience.

Thanks for the motivation J. R. Swab.

For new bloggers, I would recommend to focus on a niche and narrow audience.

I give the same advice :D

Thanks for reading and for the comment <3

Fantastic post. I write mostly at the moment on my blog for my parents who love everything I do :)

Wow! This is great! Makes me realize the kind of mindset I have and it's time to have a growth mindset. Great post.

Now you know and can take advantage of it! Get out there and make amazing content!

Really working on quality content. Thank you!

Hello @jrswab

I must comment on your effort. It's not easy to be in blogging for 15years. I believe you have learnt and become experience in this field of blogging.

I own a blog the URL is https://edunaij.com.ng . I have a traffic challenge. Recently google disabled my Adsense revenue and right now I don't have any other monetization on the blog.

I will really appreciate your opinion and advice.

My opinion right now is to focus on steem. It's the best place to grow a blog right now.

I never thought I was on the fixed mindset when I joined Steemit. I hope to grow, but I felt I am stagnant. Now, I think it is because of my wrong mindset.

Thank you so much.

Welcome! It takes a lot of work to break out but you can do it!

Yes. As what you have said it is about our mindset.... Thank you for making that corrections to me as a newbie in blogging. :)

As someone who is starting out, i really needed to read this. It wont be easy and critics will be ther. Furthermore, the best approach is to not get comfortable and keep developing content and aim to learn on how to be a better blogger, at the end of the day this is a craft, better results are yield through learning . I like it, definitely worth the read. Thanks @jrswab

You are welcome. Remember, blogging is not a sprint. It will take a lot of time and effort to get to a place that will feel 'worth it'.

Yo amazing article!

It took me months to gain traction on here, but what helped me succeed was always trying something new like vlogging or painting!

I didn’t realize that I had a growth mindset, so I’m glad I can put a phrase to it! I think this article is going to help a lot of people!

I didn’t realize that I had a growth mindset

hahah neither did I until I found out it was a thing!

The growth mindset is a great book that currently sits on my book shelf. I haven't read it in a few years but it might be time to get it out again. Thanks for the recap.

Another one of your blogging gems, thank you. Truly useful insights as always, @jrswab!

This meant a lot. Truly. I think I’m in the middle of a dip. But once the pressure for a boat and commenting dissolved a little bit then I started to focus on the joy of creating a blog. For example, I just created a blog about my most recent trip to Cuba and how I found it fascinating that not even 50 feet apart lies a line between the lowest poverty and the most five star Living I have ever seen. It really made me recap on all of those memories that were made during that trip and I decided to continue blogging because one day long from now I can look back on this and recall all those memories again.

I decided to continue blogging because one day long from now I can look back on this and recall all those memories again.

That is great motivation! If we don't love 'the grind' we will always find an excuse to quit.

@jrswab thanks for reading the book and sharing the insight with us. Mindset behind everything make the result visible. I also do tell people to focus on a niche. I am talking with someone now about this and refer him to your post now. It really comes in handy.


Thanks for the referral! Yes, having a niche is the best way to grow our blogs.

This is a very inspiring mindset to take on. I would like to think that I try and adhere to it as often as possible, but the reality is that I don't.

Sometimes, if a post does not get the recognition that you feel it deserves, it can have a knock on effect because you do not feel like putting as much effort in to interacting on the post or in your next piece. That being said, there is a lesson to be learned from every post - try and figure out why your post got less views or wasn't as well received by the community, then try and work on that in your next post. I always ask for feedback on my posts and I always make sure to interact with as many people as I can, because I want to grow and learn through my mistakes and the advice of others.

Thanks for this post, hopefully it will inspire people to take on this mindset!

if a post does not get the recognition that you feel it deserves, it can have a knock on effect because you do not feel like putting as much effort in to interacting on the post or in your next piece.

Yes! This is why we should strive to make the growth mindset our default for all areas in life. When this happens on our blog we need to ask what we can change, start doing, or do better. It is the mindset that helps get us through this very time.

Yeah exactly, no one succeeds right away, you have to build yourself over time!

Totally truth exactly how i feel, sometimes putting my best effort and not getting the results i expect.. but i think that's part of life, and even if it doesn't get the results i expect improving and having new ideas it's better than staying there just criticizing myself.

Exactly! Over time things will only improve if we keep working to be our best!

Recently, while introducing some of my pals to Steemit, they were all enthusiastic and excited as I listed out the rewards and gain. That enthusiasm lasted for only so long when the discussion veered towards what it takes to get to that proverbial top. I realised that most of us just want to magically become whales especially after visiting the trending page and seeing the traction those posts make. What we conveniently ignore is realising that they probably have put in more than us noobs. One little thing I've learned to do that helps me manage my expectations on this platform especially when I view profiles of the big guys is I check when they joined and most times I find out that they've been here longer than me which means they've probably put in more work. I also check the number of posts and all these information helps me check myself. I realise that it won't be right to expect what they have now. It helps with motivation tho. Helps me see what I'm working towards and gives some perspective on the extent of work I have to put in. The growth mindset would make us appreciate the process as much as the outcome. As one of @kyle posts said: the journey does matter

most of us just want to magically become whales

Yes, the get rich quick mentality has always been strong and will continue to be.

the journey does matter

I agree, if we can enjoy the journey we will have much better chance at sticking around for the long haul.

Go to towords sept by step

I resteemed your pstm Its very motivational especially for a newbie like me. Will share this to my minnow friends

I stumbled over this and i am thankful i did, i will start working on my growth mindset. This is a great resource. Thanks @jrswab

The process is really what scares people. But in the end , it is always worth it


I never thought I was on the fixed mindset when I joined Steemit