Not everyone knows exactly what the difference is between a paraphrase and a summary, well do not worry I am here to explain everything in a few simple sentences.
A summary is a shortened version of a paragraph, phrase or sentence, it helps the reader to highlight important information and summarize it into a few simple sentences without loosing any of the important information, this not only makes it easier to read but also much easier to learn from, in the case of a test or exam.
So how exactly does one summarize a passage, It is very simple. You are going to want to have a few different colored highlighters or pens, anything you like, and you are going to want to circle or highlight or underline the important phrase in the sentence, followed by keywords that argue the phrase. Remember to always leave out quotes or any extra information in parentheses.
Please follow the link if you require any further information on summarizing, I have also added a video to help you in your quest to summarize!
What is paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing is changing a paragraph into your own words by using mainly synonyms or a different sentence structure or in some cases both.
So how do you go about doing this?
You are going to want to have a thesaurus ready and read over the passage quite a number of times or until you completely understand what is going on, then highlight/underline the words that you know can be changed with synonyms, then look up or write down the synonyms next to the word you highlighted/underlined, (REMEMBER TO ALWAYS USE THE RIGHT SYNONYM THAT WONT CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE SENTENCE), also always remember to add references and quotes if need be.
Please read the article or watch the video if you are still not sure on how to Paraphrase,
Kindly comment if you require any further assistance, I will help!
Have a great day! and good luck on your writing adventure!