Our school committee invites medical personnel to cooperate in educating the nation through education. Education and health are the mainstays of quality life. education provides a positive impact to the learner and health is the life support that must be owned by each of our learners.
We work closely with the nearest hospitals to provide the best lessons for our students about how important health is in life. the main material presented is adolescent reproductive health. the school believes the material will provide many benefits to them, let alone directly exposed by health experts. this is a contextual learning directly embodied by the expert team. here's a little description that the authors summarize:
The success of bearti can produce healthy children who grow and develop. Security means that all reproductive processes including sex, pregnancy, labor, contraception, and abortion should not be a dangerous activity.
According to WHO reproductive health is a complete physical, mental and social well-being not only free from disease or disability in all aspects related to the reproductive system, its functions and processes.

### A. Definition of Reproductive Health
1. Definition of Healthy
WHO's healthy definition (1992) is a perfect state of physical, mental and social well-being not only free from disease or weakness.
And some other healthy understanding of them are:
> a. Healthy is the embodiment of individuals acquired through satisfaction in dealing with others (actualization). Suitable behavior with purpose, competent self care while adjustment is needed to maintain structural stability and integrity. (According to Pender, 1992).
b. Health or health is a state of well-being of the body (body), soul (spiritual) and social that enable every person to be socially and economically productive. (According to Law No. 23/1992 on health).
c. Healthy is an effective function of self care resources (self care resuses) that ensure action for self care actions adequately. Self care resources: includes knowledge, skills and attitudes. Self care actions are appropriate behaviors with the goals necessary to acquire, maintain and enhance psychosocial and spiritual functioning (According to Paune, 1983).
2. Definition of Health
Health is a body, soul, and social well-being that enables everyone to live socially and economically productive (Health Act No. 23 of 1992).
3. Definition of Reproduction
The term reproduction comes from the word "re" meaning back and the word production which means to make or produce. So the term reproduction means a process of human life in generating offspring for the sake of life. While the so-called reproductive organs is a body tool that serves for human reproduction.
4. Definition of Reproductive Health
Reproductive health is a healthy mental health, physical and social well-being intact on all matters relating to systems and functions and processes and not only conditions that are free of disease and disability and formed on the basis of legitimate marriages, capable of fulfilling the spiritual and material health worthy, devoted to God Almighty, spiritual having a harmonious, harmonious, balanced relationship between family members and between family and society and environment (BKKBN, 1996).
According to BKKBN (2001), the definition of reproductive health is physical health, mental, and social welfare intact on all matters relating to reproductive systems and functions and processes of reproduction and not just conditions independent of pentyakit and kecatatan.
According to ICPD (1994) reproductive health is the final result of a healthy, physically, mentally, and socially prosperous condition and is not only free from disease or degradation in all matters related to reproductive systems, functions and processes.
> Reproductive health includes three components:
· Ability (ability).
· Success (success).
· Safety (safety).

Based on the various sequences on health, reproduction, and reproductive health above we can conclude that reproductive health is a comprehensive health condition, covering physical, mental and social aspects, not just no disease or disorder in all things related to the reproductive system, its function and the reproduction process itself.
Thus: Reproductive health implies that everyone can: 1) Enjoy a safe and enjoyable sex life; 2) Have the ability to reproduce; 3) Have the freedom to set.
Four Priority Components
Reproduction rights are the right of every individual or spouse to obtain:
· Reproductive ability
· Successful reproduction
· Reproductive safety
Based on the above explanation also known that there are four main pillars of reproductive health according to ICPD (1994), namely:
a. Women Health
b. Infant and Child Health
c. Prevention and Treatment of STDs
d. Fertility Regulation
Maternal and newborn reproductive health involves the development of reproductive organs ranging from in the womb, infants, teens, women of childbearing age, climacteria, menopause, to death. The health condition of a pregnant mother affects the condition of the baby born, including the health condition of the baby's reproductive organs. The problems of adolescent reproductive health include the first time a girl has menstruation or menarche that may be at risk of anemia, sexual behavior which, if lack of knowledge can contract sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV / AIDS. Ramaja who step on adulthood if lack of knowledge can lead to the risk of pregnancy a young age which has a risk to the health of pregnant women and their ovums.

Implementation of reproductive health services by MOHRI is carried out in an integrative way to prioritize four reproductive health components that are the main problem in Indonesia called Essential Revenue Health Service Package (PKRE), namely:
a. Maternal and newborn health
b. Family planning
c. Adolescent reproductive health
d. Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections, including HIV / AIDS
While Comprehensive Reproductive Health Service (PKRK) consists of PKRE plus reproductive health in old age.
6. Goals and Targets of the Reproductive Health Program
Basically there are goals and targets of reproductive health programs. The purpose of reproductive health programs is divided into two main objectives and special goals.
a. The main purpose. In relation to the fact that reproductive functions and processes must be preceded by sexual intercourse, the primary objective of reproductive health programs is to raise awareness of women's independence in regulating their reproductive functions and processes, including their sexuality, so that their reproductive rights can be fulfilled, ultimately leading to improved quality of life .
b. Special purpose. From the general purpose can be described four special purposes are:
a) Increased women's independence in deciding their reproductive roles and functions;
b) Increased women's social rights and responsibilities in determining when pregnant, the number and spacing of pregnancy;
c) Increased role and social responsibility of men to the consequences of sexual behavior and fertility to the health and welfare of their spouses and children;
d) Support that supports women to make decisions relating to the reproductive process, in the form of information and service provision that can meet the need to achieve optimal reproductive health.
While the target of reproduction health program, among others are (1) decrease of prevalence rate of anemia in woman (age 15-49 years old) (2) maternal mortality rate up to 59%; all pregnant women have access to prenatal care, delivery by trained personnel and high-risk pregnancy cases and emergency obstetrics, referred to health facilities (3) Increase in the number of women free from 15% life-long disability throughout the society; (4) Decrease in the proportion of low birth weight babies (<2.5 kg); (5) Neonatal tetanus eradication (incidence rate is expected to be less than one case per 1000 live births) in all districts; (6) All individuals and couples get access to information and early pregnancy prevention services, too close, too old, and too much; (7) Proportion utilizing health services and PMS examination and treatment is at least 70% (WHO / SEARO, 1995).
7. Prerequisites of Reproductive Functions
In order to perform a healthy reproductive function, in a physical, mental and social sense, several prerequisites are required:
a. There is no anatomical and physiological abnormalities in both women and men.
b. Have sufficient psychic ground for emotional development to take place properly.
c. Freed from any abnormalities or diseases either directly or indirectly concerning the reproductive organs.
d. A pregnant woman needs assurance that she will be able to pass the time safely.
8. Human Reproduction Equipment
The reproductive system is a group of organized structures that allow the creation, or reproduction, of new life for species continuation. Human reproduction is sexual, meaning that both men and a woman contribute to the genetic attribute in the formation of new individuals. In puberty, it usually occurs between the ages of nine and fourteen, the reproductive system of both sexes. The ovaries release eggs from women (female genital cells) and male testes produce sperm (male genital cells). Reproduction occurs when the sperm meets the egg, a process called fertilization.
a. Female reproductive organs
The main task of the female reproductive system is to produce the ovum, receive sperm from the penis home and provide nutrients to the developing embryo (fetus), give birth, and produce milk to feed the child.
The ovum is produced in the ovaries, oval-shaped organs in the groin that also produce sex orchos. At birth, the female ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of developing eggs, each surrounded by a group of cells to form follicles. However, only about 360-480 follicles reach full maturity. During puberty, the action of hormones causes some follicles to develop every month. Usually, only one follicle matures completely, ruptures and releases an egg through the ovary wall in a process called ovulation. A mature egg enters one of the fallopian tubes paired, and may be fertilized by sperm and move into the uterus to develop into a fetus. The lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, prepares for pregnancy every month by becoming thicker. Layer dalah warehouse during menstruation if fertilization does not occur.

The uterus, or uterus is the organ in which the fetus develops and receives nutrients and oxygen. It basically lies the cervix, which extends during birth to allow part of the fetus. The vagina is a muscular tube extending from the uterus to the outside of the body. This is a container for sperm that ejaculates during intercourse and is also part of the birth canal.
External genital organs, or vulva, including labia, clitoris, and mons pubis. Labia is a skin fold on both sides of the opening to the vagina and urethra. The clitoris, a small, sensitive organ located in front of the labia, is comparable to a male penis. Mons pubis is on of the fat tissue above the clitoris.
During pregnancy, the hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate women breast enlargement and mammary gland. About two days after birth, these hormone levels decline, and the pituitary gland releases the money-producing prolactin hormone milk production. Milk flows through the small hole in the nipple of each breastfeeding baby.
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