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RE: Modern Education Is Anything But Modern

in #education7 years ago

My spouse works as an education assistant. Education assistants who actually care, do try to make the hole square for those pegs that are square. Unfortunately, these workers have little power and must conform to the wishes of the teachers despite the assistants having a much more intimate relationship with their target students. Its definitely a flawed system and the only way to fix it is for the parents to become more vocal (after they understand what is actually going on at the schools). Parents must become more involved with their children's education and ask more questions.


I don't think any parent understands the underlying architecture of the system

Quite honestly, I wish I could turn back time and re-write the history for my own children's school experiences. Had I known then what I know now, I would have been much more forceful about how my children were educated. I feel that both of my children's education had been compromised because I was too busy to understand what was going on at the schools they attended and trusted that they knew best.

Like you said, its a machine and it processes children. Some will fall out of the 'standard' and they are disposable misfits and rejects.

If you don't feel like you could have done almost everything better as a parent then you are probably not trying hard enough. I have four and am combating my past inadequacy with future efforts. I do not think think that perfection is attainable so steem on and love them as best as you can.

Great reply! No point in beating ourselves up about something that cannot be altered. However, we can talk about it and hopefully someone else will benefit from our mistakes.

I think so many parents share your view