Smart Watch for kids | 兒童用智能手錶 - Girls' toys (3) | 小女孩玩耍篇 (三)

in #education7 years ago (edited)

I received a message last week that the 2 watches I ordered had been delivered to collection point closed to my home. I picked them up on my way home. When I showed them to my daughters when I arrived home, they were very happy because they knew that those watches were actually smart watches I purchased online for them.



Nowadays, everybody gets at least one smartphone. It is not rare to find kindergarten kids playing their own smartphones. My daughters have been asking for their own smartphones for over one year. However, I tell them that they are not going to own smartphones or mobile phones until they are in secondary schools. This is because :

  • They don't need their own phones right now as they are always with adults
  • Mobile phones are too expensive for kids at their ago
  • Primary schools including the one they are now studying do not allow mobile phones
  • We don't want them waste time on playing mobile games.


  • 由於她們身邊差不多一定有成年人陪伴,所以她們不會需要有自己的通信設備
  • 對於她們來說,手機太過貴重了
  • 香港的小學(包括她們就讀的)都不容許學生帶手機回校
  • 我們不希望她們浪費時間玩手機


As they grow up, they are getting more and more after school activities. There are needs to keep in touch with them. Without a mobile phone, it is not that easy to do so. We decided to use smart watches to solve this problem. This was the second smart watch we ordered for our daughters. The first one we got from TaoBao but they went out of order after a few months, could not turn on at all. Since they were from TaoBao, there was no local warranty. It would be too expensive and troublesome to ship them back to China to repair, therefore, we just put them aside and order these new watches.



There were only 3 things in the boxes, the smart watch, a micro USB charging cable and a small piece of paper containing very simple user manuel, however, it was in a very small font that the words could hardly be read, basically made it useless. There was the watch with a plastic bag inside the box.



This is how the watch looked like without the plastic bag.



Power on the watch, first page shown contained Date, Time, connectivity information, menu, settings menu, icons for Phone and Phonebook.



Swipe on the touch screen for other functions :


  • Phone call | 電話
  • Phone book | 電話簿
  • Messages | 短信
  • Call center | 來電中心
  • Photo album | 相簿
  • Remote message | 遠端信息
  • Remote camera | 遠端照相機
  • File manager | 檔案管理
  • Settings | 設定
  • Alarm | 響鬧
  • Calendar | 月曆
  • Calculator | 計算機
  • Recorder | 錄音機
  • Camera | 照相機
  • Bluetooth | 籃芽
  • Music Player | 音樂播放機
  • Sleep monitor | 睡眠監視器
  • Pedometer | 計步器
  • Stand alert | 站立提醒
  • QR code for downloading Apps (Android) | 2維碼
  • Web Browser | 網絡瀏覽器
  • Find my Watch | 手錶防遺失
  • QQ
  • Wechat | 微信


All of the functions are commonly found on other smart watches. The functions that we need were only Phone and Messages. They are for us to keep contact with our daughers, all the other functions of little value to me. I will leave them to the girls to test them out.



In order to make the watch works, I have to put in one Mobile SIM card and one MicroSD card. Turn around the watch.


Open the back cover. It was a little bit hard to open, took me some time to do that.


In the center was the SIM card slot. Next to it was the MicroSD card slot. Just put in the SIM card and SD card,put the cover back and turn on the watch. It should be able to use for making and receiveing calls after it is connected to the mobile network. Very simple to setup and use.



There were a few darwbacks :

  • There was no internal battery for storing data. Therefore, it cannot hold system configuration data if the battery was removed for access of the 2 cards.
  • There was no iOS apps for this watch, Apps only avaiable on Android platform. So for iPhone only users like us, we have to do all settings on the watch.
  • It support only GPRS data network, i.e. 2G data network, which is actually too slow for most applications other than just sending text messages.


  • 沒有內置電源,當電池被拿掉,就會失去所有設置的資料。
  • 沒有對應的iOS 手機應用,像我們一家都是用iPhone的用戶,就沒法可跟手機連動了。
  • 手錶只支援2G數據網絡,非常緩慢。所以除了傳送文字信息外,其他的應用都是不現實的。


With the low price tags, the watches are a good choice for little girls' use before they have their own mobile phones.




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Want to see what the girls experienced in Bay area California?

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Gymnastics Camp / 體操興趣班
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Saratoga Farmers' Market / 薩拉托加農夫市場
Adobe Field Trip 2017 / Adobe 家庭日 2017
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兩小姊妹加州生活篇 (三)
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兩小姊妹加州生活篇 (一)
孩子的教和養外篇 -- 帶着孩子去旅行


wow!!! 感覺這樣不錯喔!! 對孩子也比較好~








定位是可以的,不過要配合Andriod 手機才可。

Good thing, but you know in Russia you can be imprisoned for them:)
It is considered like surveillance device

yes, it can be used for surveillance on our kids, is this against the law in Russia?

for your 2 kids ? :) ahan ? :D

Nice for kids really looks cool :D

great post...