Letters and numbers don't go together in Math - Part 3 - Learning disorders

in #education7 years ago


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Last year in 2016, when one of our students enrolled at school, the parent sent me an email asking me to exclude the specific student from Mathematics. The student was diagnosed with Dyscalculia, and was unable to do any Math.  Not even basic operations. I was not aware that such a disorder existed, and obviously did some research about this, as it was truly the first time that I've heard about this.  Before we go into the explanation of Dyscalculia, let us first see what a learning disorder is. 

What is a learning disorder?

There are many learning disorders that makes it extremely difficult for people to learn.  Students with learning disabilities are often demotivated in schools and often frowned upon by teachers and other students.  Many of you might have heard about a reading disorder called Dyslexia, which make it difficult for people to read, and therefore makes any learning difficult.  

Dyslexia is well researched, and if you search the internet you will find a lot of information regarding this disorder.  It is important to know and realize that Dyslexia has nothing to do with a person's intellect.  If you want to learn more about Dyslexia, please watch the video below.  

Although Dyslexia causes issues with learning in general, it is something that can be overcome.  Even though a student can not learn in the normal way, there are definite ways to overcome this. With technology these days students can learn from videos, and through the wonderful invention of audio books, these students have a better way to actually complete their high school diplomas. 

I once had a student with Dyslexia.  He was brilliant in Mathematics, but could not read properly.  I used to sit with him and read everything to him during a test. Ultimately I sat with him during every single test to assist him, and he was able to pass primary school.    

He was not so lucky in High School and eventually left school without completing his high school diploma, because he did not have the needed motivation to continue. His high School teachers did not encourage him at all and demotivated him when they made him out to be lazy.  His mom phoned me in tears, after he failed Grade 9 for the second time.  I told her straight to remove him from school, and home school him, and I am glad to report that a year or so later, he was able to complete his GED and is now quite a successful young man.  

This brings me to the second disorder I want to discuss.  Dyscalculia. This Mathematics disorder is not so well known or even researched.  

Dyscalculia  "a structural disorder of mathematical abilities" caused by impairment to the parts of the brain used in mathematical calculations, without  simultaneous impairment to one's general mental abilities.

Once again, this disability has absolutely nothing to do with your mental capacity.  Some people refer to this disorder as "Math dyslexia". Many people are born with this disorder but this disorder can also appear later in life, after a stroke or a brain injury.  Dyscalculia affects the more basic skills in Math.  A person with this disorder can not do the basic arithmetic facts like 2 + 3 = 5. They will often count on their fingers to do the basic addition, and also can't differentiate between numbers.  

This however doesn't mean if you are BAD at Math, that you have Dyscalculia.   

A learning disability can really bring someone down.  If you know of someone that is affected by either of these disabilities, please encourage and motivate them not to give up.  Life is full of obstacles, but there are always a way out.  If you struggle to get past it, then go around it.  


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I find all of these "learning disabilities" highly specious. The problem is really that all people learn differently. Public education is predicated upon the opposite- it attempts to create a "one size fits all" approach to education. The premise is that some will "get it" and the others will fall by the wayside and do menial jobs after school. There are a myriad of other problems, many of which I'm sure you don't want to hear.

I hear clearly what you're saying. You feel about this like I feel about ADD and that ball is thrown into every court. Not everyone has the same intellect and I truly and honestly believe that these disorders are real, but "mis-used" at times.

Two parents have a child that they raise until the child is 5 then they give it to strangers to educate. Who is better suited to educate the child... the parent that knows the child... or a stranger that is given a set of lessons that are geared toward providing the "workplace" with compliant workers? The whole premise of public education is wrong. Critical thinking isn't taught... I would guess that maybe 10% of the "educators" are even qualified to be there. Before Adam Smith designed our economic system he wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiments. He was Chair of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow. He wrote that education is the responsibility of parents... Public education is merely a tool of indoctrination for the state.

Very true. We have developed a course on critical thinking and emotional intelligence. You won't believe how difficult it is to sell these courses. Most parents expect the teacher to take the role of both the teacher and parent as they don't teach them much. Had my share of this in life, and now focusing to be the best teacher ever....and I teach my kids to think critically. We have many class discussions, and they know by now that I always give them something to think about after a lesson. Thanks for your comment. I love that we have become friends here!

Me too... You're one of the few that I look forward to discourse with! Somewhere along the line the parent/teacher role became reversed. I think economics has a lot to do with it. Now the economy is so bad that both parents have to work so the teacher gets saddled with much more than they bargained for when they were in college lol! I think that you're part of the 10% that belong teaching children... Most of the teachers I met, I wouldn't want my kids to even associate with. The Univ. I went to used to be Michigan Teachers College and the Ed dept. is still the biggest in school... It seems to attract the worst students.

I don't necessarily agree with everything you wrote but I tend to agree with your last sentence. "Public education is merely a tool of indoctrination for the state."

Thanks for the post Giant Cuddly Bear :') How come you did not choose a tatty teddy? Not saying there is anything wrong with your current bear lol!

Keep it up! Just finished my latest post... got the sniffles so I'm hitting the bed!

Oh dear...hope you feel better soon! LOL! This was the only picture I could find of a bear writing...lol!

Ahh thank you! I will look out for your further posts!

LOL... well this one is you after writing a long blog on steemit!

This is so sweet... thank you! That is exactly how I feel now!

Maths was one of my happy subjects .
Thanks for unvoting my last post
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Cool I will check it out!