Cool teachers are the ones who's got character. I remember how most of the teachers I had in school, were all really stuck-up and mostly grumpy and irritated. Except for this one teacher...he was a goof but I can't say that I was ever bored in his class. Every single lesson he gave and every single word that came from his mouth just made sense. It was the period we've all been waiting for every week...
Science with Mr. Mitchell.

He enjoyed life, his job, his own jokes, his chalkboard, but most importantly, he enjoyed US! Every lesson was a quality theatre performance - he would even dress up and play with different voices too. His lessons were never really lessons but rather interactions and conversations that made sense.
He laughed, man, did he laugh. He had one of those contagious laughs that could cause a mexican wave. We also knew very well when the joke was over. I don't know how he did it, but he did.

There was always a positive atmosphere around him, as if it was a happy bubble. The purpose of teaching for him was not to teach but to inspire and create purpose. Whenever somebody was down or drained or could not see a way forward, he would say: "Oh but you can!" and then he'd let us all stand up and start dancing while he sang the very popular Lion King song, Hakuna Matata.

I get it!
It was his way of changing the subject and bringing positive vibes back.
There was never any trouble either - no bad behaviors was ever present in his classroom and for some crazy reason, everyone always had their Science homework done, no issue!
The other teachers found him entertaining as well. He didn't drink his coffee in the staff room and was mostly seen on the school grounds during recess. Never a dull moment, that's for sure.
What happened to him? I wish I knew as I have lots of questions for him, but I hope that even though he is not here to tell his story himself, you would also be amused by him and that he can be an inspiration to you too.
Are you a cool teacher too?
You can do it!