Another excellent article!
I can't remember if I asked you this before or not...
Have you read End Of Jobs by Taylor Pearson, and/or Deep Work by Cal Newport?
Those 2 books also fit nicely with the idea economy concept too.
Deep Work to a lesser extent, but some of the concepts there could be put to use in an idea economy also.
P.S. I started writing a response to your 4HWW post and end up with an absolute monster, so I'll be fleshing that out and turning it into a seperate post sometime soon.
End of jobs has been referenced in other stuff I read, need to read it thoroughly though. Deep work really need to read. I find that I have lost somewhat the ability to do deep work.
Many factors of course, but digital attention robbing technology definitely has an impact...
I'd suggest giving it a read for sure, was a pretty quick book to get through if I remember rightly.
Deep Work had one really great concept in it which I remember well, the "eudaimonia machine" which was having a room that is almost completely isolated, sound proofed etc and only contained what you need to work with inside. Far more "extreme" then just having a seperate office.
Hehe I wish. I find noise canceling headsets do help a lot!
great to hear I sparked a post for you! Please put a link here so we don't miss it!
Will do! It's getting pretty long, so might be posted for a while yet haha.
I'd say don't get too much in your own way. At some point good enough is good enough and you should publish! Too much polishing can lead to not publishing sometimes...
I think it just needs trimming a little bit.
I want to make sure my point comes across well without it sounding like a rant or rambling haha.
That's true, check out this free course, it has been an eye opener for me for editing:
Cool! Will have a look at that for sure.
How is your article doing? Eager to read it!