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RE: Education is the one and only solution to the problems in the blockchain environment.

OH my .. YOU HIT THE BALL HARD !!! - )))
i wish i was .. a big LEAGUE SCOUT !!- ))

SUB(JE)c(Ti)'VE - ))
OB(JE)c(Ti)'VE - ))

= the JED-i ... - ))
.. kNOWs the FORCE (the LI(G)HT) .. li(G)ht sa(B)re !! - ))
= the JET-i ... - ))
.. knOWs the SOURCE (the D"ARKnes) .. DARK S(iD)E !! - ))

clear, precise, and, MY CUR(I(O)S)ITY !! - ))

AMPED UP !! -))

greb'Z )


Thanks I wrote this before I joined steemit, because I was talking at a college with some students and they have these funny ideas about how logic and reason is supposed to work, with no clue about how the scientific method works. lol

The philosophy, logic, and reason didn't have a button to push so it seemed they skipped the most important part. Thinking. lol

They kept talking about abjectly life should be this or that, but they didn't want to talk about what it is, which is subjective in nature. To skip the thinking about the subjective nature it seemed to me they also had to skip the going within to find out who they are. lol

So I wrote this and only edited it a little bit to work with it here on steemit. I never published it before anywhere so I no I didn't break any rules by posting it, cause it is original and I wrote it.