Thank you. I'm sure I read your post in the tone it was meant and am in no way feeling hurt.
It is not completely impossible to homeschool, but in our situation, it probably will be.
There are so many different things to take into consideration in these situations. We could make major sacrifices to have me stay home but at the moment it isn't worth it to us. The negatives outweigh the positives. I won't get into all of it here, but know that we have considered this very carefully and prayerfully.
My faith has survived many years of public education, even now at the university level as I'm pursuing my master's. I will do my very best to make the same happen for my child.
My parents did the bulk of the academic work they wanted me to do with me during the times when school was out. We will most likely do the same.
I truly appreciate your advice and encouragement and would much appreciate your prayers too as we move forward.
You absolutely have my prayers. These decisions are no joke, eh? There's just so much that rides in the balance!