Smoking Laws in Islam

in #education7 years ago

The law of smoking in Islam


The scholars divide the law of smoking into 3 laws, namely:

1) Mubah

Some scholars argue that the law of smoking is mubah or permissible because they argue that everything its original law mubah unless there is a ban, it is based on the words of Allah in Al- Qur'an sura Al-Baqarah verse:
"He is Allah, Who has made all things in the earth for you". (Al Baqarah: 29).
The verse explains that everything Allah created on earth is lawful for humans including tobacco used for raw materials of cigarettes. But this argument is not strong, because everything that Allah created is law is lawful if it does not contain things that damage the body. If smoking can damage the body then the law is no longer halal for consumption. Allah Almighty says:
"And do not kill yourself, Allah is Most Merciful to you". (Surat an-Nisa ': 29)


2) Makruh

Some of the other scholars argue that the law of smoking is makruh, they reasoned because people who smoke will give off unpleasant odors. This law is consumed by eating raw garlic which can give off unpleasant odors, This is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet SAW.
Rasulullah SAW said:
"Whoever eats onion, garlic (raw) and karats, then do not he approached our mosque, because the angels are disturbed by things that disturb humanity (ie bad smells)". (Muslim).
The argument states that the law of smoking is makruh because it gives off a bad smell. However, if smoking can cause various diseases that are dangerous for themselves, then the law becomes haram.
Allah Almighty says:
"And do not throw yourself into destruction". (Surat al-Baqarah: 195)


3) Haram

In the Book of Hashiyah Qalyubi ala Syarh Al Mahalli vol 1, p. 69. Mentioned that:
"Cannabis and all the drugs that dispel the mind, the sacred substance though haram for consumption. Therefore, the scholars argue that the cigarette law is also haram, because cigarettes can open the way for the body infected by various dangerous diseases."
They forbid cigarettes with the following proposition:
Allah said that means:
"And do not throw yourself into destruction." (Surat al-Baqarah: 195).
Because smoking can plunge into destruction, which destroys the entire system of the body that can cause cancer, lungs, heart, digestion, and a bad effect for the fetus and can damage the reproductive system. from this reason, the cigarette is forbidden to be consumed.
Rasulullah SAW said:
"Must not start to give bad impact (mudharat) to others, as well as reply." (Narrated by Ibnu Majah)
In the hadith it is clear that Rasulullah SAW bans us to give harm to others. and cigarettes are included in this prohibition, because its smell can give harm to others.
Well, from the three laws it can be concluded that the law of smoking is permissible if not harmful to ourselves and others, does not damage our bodies, and does not cause disease for us, then it is permissible. But if smoking can damage our own bodies, and bring harm to ourselves and others, then the law is haram. So let's keep our bodies and our environment free of cigarettes. Because cigarettes can cause death sickness.
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