“When children are trained, they learn how to train others in turn. Children who are lectured to, learn how to lecture; if they are admonished, they learn how to admonish; if scolded, they learn how to scold; if ridiculed, they learn how to ridicule; if humiliated, they learn how to humiliate; if their psyche is killed, they will learn how to kill …” (Alice Miller, “For Your Own Good”, 1987:98)
An inevitable truth has been taught to South Africans when President Nelson Mandela addressed the nation saying, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” Parents need to be aware of what influence’s they allow in their children’s lives and it should be their quest whether they home-school, place their children in a public or private institute, to give their children the best education possible to ensure a brighter future.
But, more and more parents are taking the home-schooling route due to the unconducive environment and dissatisfaction with the academic instructions in traditional schools. From 2003 to 2017, home-schooling has increased with 60%, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in America. In South Africa there are about 400,000 students being home-schooled. Reasons for these statistics are that parents want to protect their children from the negative peer pressure, bullying, drugs, alcohol, smoking, disruptive and destructive behaviours, and the increasing violence in schools.
School violence in South Africa is rising alarmingly. According to a survey, one out of three children in primary and secondary schools have experienced some form of violence, but South Africa is not the only country facing these problems. In America a report went out form the Urban Institute saying, “… in the single school district of Washington, DC, there were at least 336 gunshots in the vicinity of schools over a single school year.” There is a huge concern for the easy access to alcohol, drugs and weapons in schools. Eyewitness News - South Africa in September 2017, quoted The Education for Social Justice Foundation which says, “violence at schools across the country has reached a critical point.” School is where children are supposed to receive a safe education, but it is proven that this is becoming a challenge all over the world. Children’s safety is the main reason for the increase in home-schooling, parents rightfully argue that they can provide a safer environment for their children.
Violence in the traditional schools is not the only problem, the educational system leaves much to be desired. Children are grouped according to age and have a set curriculum with standardized testing for that specific age group, regardless their differences in personality, abilities, learning styles and interests. There is no place for individuality as they enforce conformity and reward accordingly. In the home-schooling environment, on the other hand, the parents know their children’s needs and interests, and they can tailor the curriculum, so their children will enjoy a better learning environment where their individuality will be respected and encouraged.
Do parents need to be qualified as teachers to educate their children? It is believed that teaching is an art which requires training in curriculum-based education. Teachers specialise in a subject or two and have all the required knowledge to teach the intricacies of those subjects. Although in a South African newspaper, The Sunday Times, it was reported that 5, 139 teachers are unqualified. It is argued that parents lack the training needed to educate their children but for the first 2000 years of civilization, schooling was done by parents in a self-directed way and those very important historians who changed the world were taught in this manner.
Self-direct learning in the traditional system is impossible due to the student-teacher ratio which is 22:1 in elementary schools and 26:1 in secondary schools based on a survey done by the NCES. In South Africa, the ratios are 29:1 in elementary and 35:1 for secondary schools, but often in the rural schools the ratios are much higher. With these statistics, it is impossible for teachers to cater for each child’s individual needs and that the reason for the gifted child and those with learning disabilities falling into the cracks and not reaching their full potential. The best advantage for home-schooling is the one-on-one education children receive which caters to their individual needs, especially for those with ADHD and Asperger syndrome.
Children with special needs often do not receive the necessary level of care in traditional schools. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention did a survey and found that there were nearly 6 million children diagnosed in America with ADHD in 2015. In home-schooling, learning styles can be accommodated so children with learning and physical disabilities can be catered for. Children with ADHD need one-on-one education and an active environment with very little noise to help them stay focus. At home, parents can teach them while sitting on an exercise ball which allows them to constantly move and concentrate better. A restrained environment spells disaster for these children.
Traditional schoolings controlled environment limits exposure to different styles of education. Home-schooling parents can provide a more active environment as they have the flexibility to teach outside of the classroom. This form of education exposes the students to a wide range of people, real-world experiences which are fun and engaging, it inspires inquisitiveness and creativity, and leads to better absorption of knowledge and skills.
The concern is often raised that home-schooled students are isolated from other children and lacks social skills. This is a misconception thought as many homeschoolers scored above average in their social, emotional and psychological wellbeing, according to the National Home Education Research Institute. Home-school students are exposed to a wide array of social activities outside the home, attending different sports clubs, home-schooling groups, outdoor explorations groups and scouts. This allows them to interact with their peers and people from all walks of life. These students are well rounded and have a better self-concept than those in traditional schools which is not conformed to peer pressure or bullying.
Worldwide it seems that the traditional schooling system fails to give children a proper education due to the high teacher-student ratio, falling educational standards, lack of discipline and respect, the increase of violence in schools, bullying, and peer pressure. Home-schooling on the other hand, allows parents to foster their children from negative influences, which results in a well-rounded, socially developed, and competent individual.
- Taylor, John Wesley, “Self-Concept in Home-Schooling Children” (1986). Dissertations. Paper 726.
- Dr Brian D. Ray, Research Facts On Home-schooling. https://www.nheri.org/research/research-facts-on-homeschooling.html
I become so inspired when i remembered the speech, "Give me an educated mother i will give you an educated nation"Mandella's so truthful speech, it's really heart inspirational @crazymumzysa
Very true mohsin01. We need more educated mothers in this world, especially in Africa.
I'm also from South Africa and have owned a creche for toddlers. I can attest that what is said in the above article is true.
There are other benefits also. Children tend to take sandwiches to school - not the healthiest of meals and it tends to affect them for the rest of their hours at school. By staying at home, the children can eat healthy foods and at the times they want or at the times their parents decide is reasonable.
There are very good private schools, but even they have been affected by the changes worldwide and are on a downward spiral. I was shocked, when visiting a private and very exclusive (expensive) school, to find they teach children that GMO foods, also sprayed foods, are healthier to eat than non-GMO. Apart from them being wrong, this is pure inoctrination, whereas it should be up to the parents to choose what they want their kid to believe.
I personally prefer to suggest to parents that they look for a number of children in their neighbourhood whose parents want them homeschooled. By sharing the duties, it gives the mothers some time off once or twice a week.
Whatever you decide, don't let it be because you do not want the responsibility or hard work, you owe it to your children to give them the best education you can, with as little stress as possible.
Hey @arthur.grafo, Every children need to outdoor schooling for their socialization and creative a better friendship and can cooperate with unknown person, but also need parents controlling
Not at all, thank you for your support, I truly appreciate it. Excellent advice on parents sharing the teaching duties. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, the parents can plan according to their abilities who will be teaching which subject and in this way the group will be exposed to a higher quality of education.
We all should be more aware of the quality of our food we consume as all the chemicals and hormones the producers use can have a devastating effect on our hormones which in turn affects our quality of life.
Thanks. Perhaps you may like to point out to parents that when they read that certain ingredients (chemicals) fall within parameters considered safe for daily consumption, they are lying on two fronts:
a) It may be safe if indulged only now and then; for instance, I love bacon, but I know how bad it is for me, so I usually only have a couple of rashers three or four times a month. I do so on the presumption that my body is given the time to get rid of the harmful chemicals, instead of being forced to store them in my fat (when released if the fat gets used, the damage is even worse).
b) The quantities shown as safe are for adult bodies. With a child's body only have anything from 5% to 30% of the mass of an adult, those permitted quantites become exceedingly excessive and dangerous for your child, since their tiny bodies cannot cope with the poison they are being fed.
On another site, I sometimes post articles about how diets for children should be formulated. For instance, if your child is about to be vaccinated, the diet your child follows for the four days prior to the vaccination and for four days afterwards can make a dramatic difference in the ability of their bodies to handle the heavy metals in the vaccinations. Whether you believe vaccinations are healthy or not, what is the harm in following the diet - just in case?
Perhaps I'll post a few articles here - if you are not following me, I would gladly let you know when I do (not worth following me just for that, since most of my posts are short stories, poems and episodes taken from my books (Science Fiction & Fantasy)).
Worth checking:
Thanks, very informative and interesting.
Love your knowledge, thanks. My children are all teenagers but wish I knew about the diet before and after vaccinations. I never trust the producers information on their packaging. I need to expose myself to more English literature to improve my grammar and writing, so why not read yours? I am already a follower.
What a fantastic defense of homeschooling. I think you touched on so many of the benefits that homeschooling, done right, bring to the student. We have homeschooled and all of what you brought forward were important considerations in our decision. Protection from harm as well as the damaging influences of children with different values and morals. A customized curriculum for each student's needs rather than forcing round pegs in square holes. And the love that a parent can give that teachers can't match. Sadly, as home schooled students are gaining recognition in their academic successes as well as their manners and social excellence, the home school movement has become trendy. While not needing a degree to teach at home, the parents do need to be committed to what is a very hard job. It is not easy. It is not simply having your kids stay home. We know many people whose primary motivation is protection from wicked influences, but don't put the enormous time and energy into disciplining their students to learn, and providing valuable instruction. The result seems to be well behaved children who do not participate as readily in worldly behaviors, but who are uneducated from an academic standpoint and haven't learned how to learn. We will always support homeschooling... done right, and hope that the new crop of trendy home school graduates who do NOT excel academically don't cast a shadow on the practice of home schools as the false accusation of poor socialization tried and continues to try to do.
@drwillwho, home schooling is more better way to achieving knowledge the real life for every growing children, by home schooling a children make effective realization in his mind,,, @crazymumzysa
I am in full agreement with you... assuming that the family is dedicated to actually doing it. We have poured ourselves into our children and their education, and now that we're getting the first 5 to college age, we are thrilled that not only are they people we love to be around, and that others seem to love being around.. but their entrance exams have been excellent and they are continuing their education outside the home at college and being competitive. We hope that means we did ok. However, we are surrounded by folks who basically kept their kids at home, but didn't put much effort into the education portion, and their kids are not able to excel in college, are having problems at their jobs, etc... That's why I have become a proponent of enthusiastically supporting homeschooling done correctly (which varies from family to family, and may only distinguish itself as being different to homeschooling done incorrectly, which basically means not even meeting the dismal educational standards of our public schools).
Very wise words drwillwho, thank you for your reply. Homeshooling done right can only take place if parents realize their limitations and act upon it by calling on professionals to help, especially with certain subject like Math, Science and Accounting. it is also very important to get home-schooled children involved in as many extra mural activities and community projects as possible to help with social skills and team work.
Upvote if you like chocolate.
Now this looks a lot like bribery and corruption but I will take the risk. Thanks
My opinion is to teach the children by their parents during the early age, it would be helpful for the communication of children with the parents. Traditional school system in very early age is laborious for the children therefore we shold gradually make them willing for traditional schooling but should focus on home schooling in their early stages.
Thank you for your reply haseeb96. In our African countries, the mothers neglect to stimulate their infants and you can see the difference in their abilities to those who receive proper stimulation. The problem is that most parents in the rural areas lack education themselves.
You're welcome dear! yeah, I agree that the real problem in home schooling is parents lack of education, but educated parents are also not interested in this type of education not knowing the fact that the education, training & attention they give to their children, another teacher can never give. they can better understand thier children & their needs than anyone else. Lack of love & communication in between parents & child in today's world is due to these reasons.
I've enjoyed reading this article, and it brightened my day, thankyou for this knowledge! @crazymumzysa
Thank you topeztech. It is only a pleasure to share that which is close to my heart.
Thank you ionlysaymeep. Meep!!!
This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem
Thank you very much mannyfig1956. I hope you are doing well and that you and your family will enjoy this festive season.
Homeschooling might have some clear advantages and especially in a case when public education might pose a real danger to a child's wellbeing it might as well be the best choice, but still, I don't think generally speaking and especially worldwide, homeschooling is the way to go.
First of all, if there is a problem with education in a particular country like you're saying about South Africa, homeschooling is not a way to solve the real problem as homeschooling is usually not a viable option for the majority of the population. Homeschooling in this case can be a bandage over the problem, but not something that would cure it. After all, most of the future mothers of the country are going to come from the public school system and if it's failing then the Mandela quote actually paints a bad picture even with homeschooling rising in popularity.
That's my main problem with people advocating for homeschooling - it's not really accessible for most. If both parents work full time, homeschooling is rarely an option, so looking at education globally, it solves very little as too few people could ever take advantage of it for it to truly matter.
The next problem I have with homeschooling is that homeschooling is only as good as the education of the parent in question and in some cases, that's a problem. You see a lot of religious fundamentalists and conspiracy nuts homeschooling their children and teaching them all kinds of false and crazy stuff. So while the standard of public education might often be low, homeschooling has the potential of dipping bellow that for some people and in those cases, it's really bad for the children. I'm not saying this happens too often, but the fact that it's happening should be kept in mind.
Additionally, I think going to school usually has some non-academic benefits as regularly socializing with peers and having some independence from your parents which are also important life lessons that are more difficult to address while being homeschooled.
Still, keep in mind that while I'm talking about some of the downsides of homeschooling I see, I'm not disqualifying it's benefits or advantages, especially in certain situations.
P.S.: I hope you wouldn't mind the remark and you'd see it as constructive feedback, but I did not enjoy reading a large chunk of text that was all bold.
Smarter words were never spoken.
Most of what you wrote is true. I believe in the long run, more and more people will switch to homeschooling as it gives more benefits and at the same time, current educational system continues to fail. Love this article, @crazymumzysa!
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Home schooling is always the way to go, your children will be taught the things in life that will be meaningful to them, parents always want the best for their children.
VS what the system wants your child to be and learn to reach goals of their agenda vs the child.
Look at home schooling as putting your child in the most expensive school money can buy for only your time as a cost. Would you trade a job making 30k or 50k and trade it for 100s of thousands of dollars pumped into your children's education for only your time invested?
Homeschooling is in fact a private school, a 1 on 1, how much would that cost you in the public sector?