Steemit is indeed the best social media blogging site due to ability to learn new things, meet great people and earn some money-however; its success has resulted to many scammers and people sending phishing links in order to steal members login details. The conundrum, however, is : what will happen after the upcoming HFork 20: when steemit inc will allow immediate sign up of new accounts? The simple answer is that the gates of hell will open and thus we all have to learn now and be smart enough to counter attack against scammers, spammers and phishing links agents-whose primary aim is to steal people´s hard earned money.
Note : Never give your password and double check on which website you really are! Moreover, resteem this posts in order to educate your contacts and join me in making a post against such behaviors and thus exposing scammers, spammers and accounts sending phishing links . Moreover we can report such accounts at: Steem abuse via steemit chat also arcange via steem chat
, @steemcleaners , @spaminator - thanks to @patrice and team for doing a great job including @arcange who frequently exposes scammers and spammers.
According to updates via @arcange , some known scammer accounts: @russiann , @steemitrobot ,- @tripadvisor (dot) com , @harquick , @gtg.witnesses .
Some Known Phishing sites: sleemit(dot)com , steemitfollowup(dot)ml , steemitfollowup(dot)cf , , autosteemer(dot)com , autosteemer(dot)club , upperwhale , steamit(dot)ga , steenit(dot)cf , steemautobot(dot)ml , autosteem(dot)info , steemij(dot)tk , steemitservices(dot)ml , uppervotes(dot)ml , steemupgot(dot)ga
Below are some few rules
There are a few simple rules to follow in order to avoid having your account hacked:
Rule 1: NEVER, I repeat, NEVER use or give your owner key or password!
Rule 2: Use your posting key to login, post and vote on trusted websites like or
Rule 3: NEVER give your active key as this key allows to control your funds! Only use your active key for special operation like money transfer or account update on trusted websites like
Rule 4: Anywhere else, if you are requested to provide any of the above key: RUN AWAY!!!
4 simple rules. It's not much to remember. Follow them scrupulously, and you will only have to laugh at unsuccessful attempts from scammers.
Spread the words, resteem this post to your friends, and you will make the platform safer.
Why we should care: In order for steemit to be a success in the long run, we all have to be at alert and thus protect all members from being scammed . If scammers (via wallet, chat, emails , phishing links via posts/ comments) see steemit members as smarter than them by exposing their tactics, they will surely give up .
Do you agree? Send in your comments . Resteem in order to reach more people and upvote to send in your support.
Click here and read my former post:Are you ready for a bullish / Positive steem price?
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Thanks my dear @Charles1 for this valuable Information hence why I sent a good upvote for this post in order for others to see it. It is very important if we expose criminals trying to spoil this platform for us because doing nothing will destroy steemit for all. These people just want to steal from our hard earned crypto´s and together we will work against them...thanks for sharing this -keep up the good work.
I am new here with you I hope to learn and develop myself in addition to earn some money to improve my situation Mazri
Thank you for these amazing tips and I am one of your new followers and I wish you success and welcome to my page
What do you like about the post..did you read it?
You are correct! Wish I had this wisdom before I did give my owner key to steemconnect. Probably one of the safer places to make this mistake.
Will have to figure out how I can change this.
It is also great to see that you are trying to reply on all genuine comments. Keep it going, cause interaction is what Steem needs!
Welcome and thanks for your comment...interaction is indeed the key here. Yes there are some safe sites...I think busy and steemconnect are safe however it is better to generate new keys after a while. Keep steeming to more success
I also recommend that you update your codes every two months.
Very good point, I agree
You are welcome.
nomatter what
there will always be scammers and phishers
we just need to know how to avoid them.
And you are helping people understand that :)
Point, I agree...thanks for your comment
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.WARNING! The comment below by @throwawayaccount leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.WARNING! The comment below by @throwawayaccount leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Write it with (dot) instead of .
Otherwise you are going to get flagged every time.
Good happened to me too however I contacted the bot owners and changed to dot as in this post
Does anybody know if SteemNow is safe? If anybody knows more scam sites, you should comment them so @charles1 can add it to the list! Thanks for the valuable info -definitely worth upvoting.
success and be safeYes steem now is safe..I sue it daily however make sure that it is https see
There are so many fishing sites and account. Don't we have any mechanism in steem platform to ban them or to disable them?
We will help all by exposing them and reorting them
Gracias por las recomendaciones y la advertencia, es cierto hay que prepararse contra este tipo de personas.
Thanks for the recommendations and the warning, it is true you have to prepare against this type of people.
Welcome and more success
awesome and informmative post, No doubt steeit is best social network now a days, i agreed with @charles1 there are some spoil eggs arround us who alway tries to harm us. Honestly speaking this post influence all those member who give their account password ti others even they are good friends,now a day we can not trust anyone.
Welcome and thanks for your comment...keep safe
Thanks for the information so valuable for our security. Especially for those of us who are starting and learning to develop within this platform. I wish you much success and that together we can take away the bad people from this community.
Welcome and more success to you...stay safe
Already heard of someone who got their links highjacked. Be careful! Good post!

Good point, hence the purpose of this post
excellent work dear friend @ charles1, always actively contributing with the platform and people, many thanks spor share these security tips
I wish you a great night
Welcome and thanks for your support and reading my posts..
Steem is a but wierd when it comes to passwords. The logon password is full of ASCII characters and cant be changed and yet if its lost we are screwed.
I get the later part, this is crypto and we are our own bank vault holders, but keeping that crazy password somewhere we can access it but others cant is a little more challenging.
The password is quite Crypto like and you can always generate a new one via your wallet...however avoid clicking of links you do not know...
Wonderful words and beautiful information
I noticed recently there are a lot of scammers we must maintain
Good point, we all have to wok together and thus chase them out-however they are ruthless
Hfork20 sounds aweful, one thing I like about this platform is the control with opening accounts. Oh well, it's becoming like most of the internet.
Good point, however it will allow steemit to grow like wild fire , on the other hand we should expect criminals to join very easy too-including fake accounts
Thank you for this valuable information!
Better safe than sorry they say. Be blessed
Welcome and thanks for your is very important
Definitely. Cheers
Thank you for this update, this is informative
Welcome, however what do you like about the update?
thank you for the information. it will help the freshers like me.
What do you like about the information?
Thank you
why? what do you like about the post?
Resteemed your post.
To minimize the hackers to post phising links to new members
is, people should not be allowed to post links under #introducemyself and #introduceyourself tags
resteemed? Hmmmm. Those tags are for new people introducing themselves on steemit
I do not see the point to what extend HF20 should increase pishing attacks on current steemians. And even Facebook fanatics should be able to realize not to give their password away. A much more serious problem will be the spammers, the Good Men and Good Women and the preachers.
No one indicated that HFORK 20 will increase phishing rather that it will open up instant signups and thus millions of new accounts which is good however we have to expect many people with bad intentions too just like in other platforms and even more here because money is involved
Thanks sir for your information.
Its really helpfull for me because im very fresh in the steemit.
Thank you
what do you like about the post?
thank you guys for onformation,hope useful for all.I like your performance
what do you like about the post?
Yes I like it.
@ charles1 soy más o menos nueva en Steemit y de verdad que me estoy familiarizando con los post educativos y el tuyo me resulta de mucha utilidad, por esos consejos tan utiles para evitar ser estafados, aquí participamos muchas personas para interactuar, plasmar ideas, contar historias y por supuesto buscar unos centavos extras-
Pienso igual que varios, mientras más popular sea la comunidad pues más gente con malas costumbres y estafadores se acercaran, así que pilas como decimos aquí en mi país, es decir debemos estar alerta abrir los ojos y seguir tus orientaciones.
Mil gracias
Thank you.
The lesson that I received from you @charles1 . We must always be careful and alert
@charles1 Thank you for the valuable information. I did upvote and resteem. Much success!
The best friend
Good point...However contact the bot owners downvoting you after you removed the .com on the phishing links and change to (dot) com ...see my post how I did it
it happened to me too however I contacted the bot owners and changed to dot as in this post.