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RE: Vlog from the Lake // Two Years Ago... I Went Back to School and Got a Degree I May Never Use - Do I Regret It?

in #education7 years ago

Thanks for sharing part of your story. Unfortunately, corporate America is looking for that piece of paper and is missing out on many great hires because of it. It is also hard to blame them though, as having a degree gives some credibility on your subject and shows you can accomplish something, while hiring someone without a degree might be a wildcard. Congrats on getting through debt-free as well! I feel this is an extremely important topic as many young people are hampering their future with student loan debt hanging around their neck when it is largely a choice of picking a school that is affordable - once you have that job, it turns into how you preform and nobody cares about where you went to school. Perhaps a prestigious school may open some more doors, but there are no guarantees of that and having the right connections (sometimes from a coffee shop) by networking and getting noticed is probably more effective than an alumni network.


Sooo many great points in your response Brian.

School selection is the single biggest factor in finishing school debt-free, and it is not discussed nearly enough! Being smart about school selection was really the biggest key for me being able to move through my degree program faster and with no debt.

You also bring up some great points, that a degree does hold a certain amount of value because it will help you to actually get the job, but once you’re there, your performances what actually matters.