Stop Forcing Children to Eat Vegetables, Use This Approach

in #education6 years ago

The more we force our children to eat vegetables and fruits, the less likely they are to try them.

There is an easy way to make your baby voluntarily eat vegetables. The trick is to set an example, showing how good to eat vegetables or fruits.

Telling children to eat vegetables is about convincing them. It also means asking others to do something, sometimes by force.
Unlike the case with teaching or giving examples. This is a collaborative act, setting an example. The focus is on the parents, while when telling children to eat vegetables, the pressure on the child.

Parents are a big influence on the child's diet. If her mother's father has never been seen eating vegetables, do not expect children also love the source of this fiber.

Before teaching children to eat vegetables and fruits, parents need to know some of these things.

  • Understand that the child refuses to try new foods because of anxiety or fear. They may not be risk takers. Try to see the world from his perspective.

Imagine if we eat foods that are "weird" and outside the comfort zone, such as sago worms. We must be doubtful and afraid of the taste. Similarly, the little one when we menyodorkannya broccoli.

  • Give examples to children how to explore new foods. Do not just exemplify it by instantly devouring it. For example when introducing kiwi fruit. Offer a piece to the child, let him lick it or smell it. Children need to build a database about a food before daring to try it.

  • If the child is willing to try, ask her about the food. Do not think it is tasty, bitter on the tongue, or maybe it smells too sharp. Thus parents can dig up where the will of the child if tried other types of food.