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RE: Only a fool ...

in #education7 years ago

Yes I believe that God is the Almighty ,the All-wise,the Self-sufficient Master, the Most Merciful .
He doesn't need anything or anyone.
Hence , He did not leave us to wander aimlessly
but blessed us with an innate ability to recognize and acknowledge His existence. He placed this awareness deep in our hearts as a natural disposition that has not changed since human beings were first created. Furthermore, He reinforced this natural disposition with the signs that he placed in creation that testify to His existence.
However, since it is not possible for human beings to have a detailed knowledge of God except through revelation from Himself, God sent His Messengers to teach the people about their Creator Who they must worship. These Messengers also brought with them the details of how to worship God, because such details cannot be known except by way of revelation.

So to be loved by God, one should learn about God through contemplating on His creation, and following the guidance in His revelation to know and do what pleases Him.

An important point to note is it is not up to any one to interpret the scriptures as he wishes. The interpretation of the Quran is done through the Quran itself(some parts explain others), prophetic Sunnah (authentic narrations from prophet , peace &blessings be upon him), and companions of prophet .


You said "since it is not possible for human beings to have a detailed knowledge of God except through revelation from Himself, God sent His Messengers to teach the people about their Creator Who they must worship."

But the fact is that it is possible to experience god through personal revelation! That is why god gave us the tools of LSD and Psilocybe mushrooms, so that we could have a direct experience of God's love and power. They are the plant messengers, and have more to teach than any human messenger.

God wants us to have personal experience of the infinite love. And we will, regardless of what happens in this life. But why wait to experience the bliss of the heavenly presence? God is available whenever we wish.

If one says that they do not have the right to judge other’s beliefs or actions, they are, in fact, contradicting themselves. If you were to ask many of these people whether killing infants or suicide is correct and acceptable, they will naturally answer that it is not. But when we look into certain societies, such as some religions found in Central America, infanticide was seen to be a way to draw near to their gods. Also today, in Hindu religion, it is praiseworthy for a wife to kill herself after the death of her husband. If they truly believe that religion is something left to the individual and that none have the right to interfere or judge them, then this would necessitate allowing that killing babies is something which is correct to those who believe it is praiseworthy, and that people have no right to judge them.
If we were to bring this issue to an individual level, we would see that each person has their individual perception of good and evil, whether this perception is based upon religion, law, culture, or individual contemplation. One might believe that it is perfectly acceptable to commit adultery while another might think it to be wrong. One might believe that it is permissible for them to indulge in narcotics since it is their own body, and others might believe it to be a crime. None would be able to say that anything is right or wrong, and all people would be left to their own devices to believe and practice what they perceive as “correct.

You already copy-pasted that segment and used it in your argument : (

Also, God has made the universe so that the consequences of each right and wrong action are inherent in the act. No human can do greater justice than god—and it is heretical that we would try to do so with our laws and our holy books. Human justice is injustice. Otherwise governments and religions would not be responsible for so many atrocities.

What do you mean by saying
'the consequences of actions are inherent in the act'?
Indeed God Almighty is the perfect Judge and is the source of Justice & hence His Law is the only perfect Law for every place and time.
Islam has sufficient proof that it is not manmade but is a revelation from God Almighty.
All manmade laws have flaws.
Justice only attains full meaning with belief in the afterlife, for in this life, we see that crimes go unchecked, unfair judgments are handed down and criminals walk free! Even in cases were a killer is convicted of a heinous crime, he may escape the death penalty, for it is only reserved for the most ‘culpable’ offenders (such as killers and their accomplices) as was the case of Ted Bundy, the infamous serial killer who terrorized America in the late 70s and early 80s. He presumably killed 30 to 100 people. His death via electric chair was quite painless in comparison to the agony he put each of his victims through. According to Christianity, regardless of this man’s ill doings, since he was a ‘believer’ in God, he will be forgiven as per the Doctrine of Atonement. But is this true justice?

In Islam, no one will go scot-free; all will be held accountable for their transgression in a higher court of law, wherein no one is wronged and all are given proper sentences. God, Almighty, tells us:

“And the Book (one’s Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of God, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the Oneness of God), and you will see the criminal sinners, fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: “Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that leaves neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!” And they will find all that they did placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice.” (Quran 18:49)

If a person was wronged and did not see true justice or saw only partial justice, God will restore to him his rights on that Day. The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said:

“The rights shall be returned to the proper individuals on the Day of Resurrection, even to the detail of the just retribution of the broken horned sheep from the two horned sheep who had hit it.” (Saheeh Muslim)

Muslims firmly believe in life after death, we are reminded time and time again of this reality by God, the Exalted. He says:

“O you who believe! Fear God and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for tomorrow, and fear God. Verily, God is All-Aware of what you do.” (Quran 59:18)

You said "All manmade laws have flaws.
Justice only attains full meaning with belief in the afterlife, for in this life, we see that crimes go unchecked, unfair judgments are handed down and criminals walk free!" This is very true. But God has given us all souls, even hard criminals, and by tormenting our minds and hearts with the moral weight of our mistakes, god makes the consequences of each of our transgressions inherent, or automatic, by tormenting our souls and hearts. The violent criminal is not a happy person and does not know god.

God is all-powerful, and therefore god does not need to judge us in the after life, or at all! Because we judge ourselves with our guilty conscience. Our sin cannot offend god, as the greatest offense is to ourselves. God only wants to love us and forgive us. Which God will, regardless of whether we have atoned for it.

All of us are sinners born into a corrupted world. LSD can help you to see that you don't need a book to guide your life—nor do you need forgiveness from God. God's love is unconditional.

The truth is that justice in this world doesn't matter at all to God (it is a mortal trifle), and human justice is a cruel joke. We ought to be loving one another but instead we are bent on killing each other over "justice". And all the while blind to the love and forgiveness of god—ready to accept whenever we are.