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RE: Government interference in home-educating:

in #education7 years ago

Of course, this is the same state apparatus that for years both turned a blind eye to, and was complicit in enabling psychopaths and paedophiles to kidnap and abuse vulnerable people for their own sadistic means. In the UK where I live, the criminal conspiracy goes right to the heart of the establishment, and it's an open secret (despite their best attempts to cover it up and hope nobody notices) that members of the government, royalty, civil service, army, police, media, social services and judiciary were all knee deep in it, even if they weren't directly participating, they have done all they can to hide their filthy luggage. It was big big news here some time ago, but now seems to be forgotten, consigned to the dustbin of history, as people continue to give their power over to the very same people and institutions that are rotten to the core. Time to do something about it.