Many parents believe that the child's sexual education is in the answer to the question "Where do I come from?". However, this is not the case at all: sex education begins much earlier. Already in half or two years, the baby explores parts of his body, and not only his body.

A 3-year-old girl innocently asks her father or brother to take off their clothes to see "how things work for children" or spies when mom or dad washes. As a general rule, parents are surprised by such interests of children, considering that the child has an unhealthy interest or even a mental disorder.
But this is not the case at all! This is the normal behavior of an inquisitive child. Children actively study the structure of their body and compare it with other people. If you teach a child the names of the parts of the body, such as the nose, belly, fingers, but at the same time keep silence on the genitals, the child must master this anatomy.
In the period of three to four years, children begin to distinguish the child from the child not by clothing, but by gender-specific characteristics. In this case, the baby is already aware of its belonging to a particular sex.

At some point, they have a greater interest in the genitals, both in theirs and in others. If you have noticed such interest in your child, in no way sharpen your attention on this. Teach a child's infant anatomy, look at the pictures together, answer all the questions. After receiving the answers, the child will lose interest in this topic.
But if you forbid, even with a delicate facial expression, scold that the child is examining your body, then you will have a strong opinion that the genitals are something horrible, forbidden.
At the age of about 5 years, children begin to be shy of their nudity. Do not laugh at the child's shame, try to treat this with understanding. If a girl is ashamed to be naked in front of her father, or if the child asks her mother to walk away while changing clothes, she should not contradict the children. This is sex education.
Another rule of sexual education in the family is not to avoid asking questions about intimate topics, but to answer them in an accessible way. Where do the "inconvenient" questions come from? The flow of information from the television screens, the adult conversations, when it seems to them that the baby does not hear or does not understand, the baby absorbs everything. Absorb and process by virtue of your ideas about the world.

If your baby does not ask for anything, then you have ready answers. Are you sure they are correct? Ask carefully what your child thinks about this or that reason.
There are cases in which adolescents considered calm and modest gave birth at the age of 14, parents and teachers are surprised. But if these teenagers had a relationship of trust with their parents from an early age, such a disaster would not have happened!
Most parents are sure that they know their children well. But as practice shows, this is far from true.
To make sure you know what is going on in your children's minds, do not hesitate to discuss with them the most difficult questions about intimate life. Especially today there are many good children's books and encyclopedias on this subject.
Source of information:
If I read this it is as if I am over 50 years back in time. We clearly do not live in the same world. Kids in your country do not watch tv, have had internet (before the power became an issue)?
I can not agree with all you describe. You can overdo it too. Kids are not the same, are not blind, see mom and dad naked too, having period. It is not a teacher's job to.tell and they discuss with other kids too.
Never undersestimate a kid, better ask yourself how you got all this info.
P.s. is it an disaster to give birth at a young age? Therr are cultures where this is normal. You are acwoman if you have your period. I do find the choose of words kind of insulting.
Teenage moms do not raise their kids worse ad couples of a certain age. Society gives them a hard time.