Dear users! We congratulate you on the opportunity to become the first owners of EDCe (erc20) tokens for market trading!
You can easily exchange your existing EDC coins for EDCe tokens (ERC20) in your EDC wallet!
How to exchange EDCst coins for ERC20 token
- To exchange EDC coins for ERC20 token, click on the tab
- Enter the needed amount on the left side (or press the MAX button to exchange all available balance). In the right window you will see the number of tokens. Press EXCHANGE.
- After confirmation in the Ethereum network (up to 30 minutes), your EDC (ERC20) tokens will be deposited to your balance.
How to exchange ERC20 tokens for EDCst coins
Go to the following tab to exchange EDC tokens (ERC20) for EDCst coins
- Enter the needed exchange amount per EDC coin on the left side (or press the MAX button to exchange all available balance).
- In the right window, you will see the number of coins you will receive. Then press EXCHANGE.
In the lower field you will see the entire history of the exchanges made:
How to withdraw EDCe (ERC20) tokens from EDC Blockchain wallet
- To withdraw EDCe (ERC20) tokens from your EDC Blockchain wallet, open the BALANCE tab.
- Then press WITHDRAW and enter the withdrawal amount and the recipient's address in the specified fields.
- Next, press the Withdraw button. After confirmation in the Ethereum network, the tokens will be sent to the specified address.
How to deposit EDC tokens (ERC20) to the EDC Wallet
You can deposit EDCe (ERC20) tokens to your EDC wallet via the BALANCE tab.
- Create an order to receive funds:
Click DEPOSIT, then enter the sender's address, the amount of coins and click "Create order".
Attention! Be sure to send the exact amount you entered when creating the order!After confirmation in ETH network (not more than 30 minutes) coins will be displayed on the balance of the specified wallet.
After receiving tokens, you can exchange them for EDCst (standard) coins.
Note: Before sending the funds, please carefully check the receiver's address! We are not responsible for the incorrectly specified address and have no possibility to cancel the operation!
You can check the operation status in the explorer at
If necessary, please contact our customer service! We are pleased to help you if you have any questions.
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