Thoughts about life // Current State of the World

in #ecotribe7 months ago

Why do we have war?
Why is there fighting?

Why does poverty still exist?

Is it solely based on greed? Is it via incompetence?

Literally, why do we still have problems like this on the planet?

I'm rather confused ... we all* seem to know that climate change is a MASSIVE issue, but no one really seems to be doing anything about it.

Is this a component of human nature? Are we hardwired to avoid confrontation/problems unless they are imperative?

And if so...

how do we transcend this limitation?

In my eyes, the major problems we are facing are (not in any particular order)

degradation of our environment
social conflict

I live in the United States right now, and we have this pseudo-insane division in our country.

I'm struggling to truly understand how this came to fruition.

Hatred has not been this prominent, at least in my lifetime.

Is this what it felt like during the Civil Rights movement?

Is this what it felt like as the country was divided over of the Vietnam war?

How were those conflicts resolved?
How do we create a coherence in our nation?
How do we create a mutual understanding that, regardless of our national boundaries, we must acknowledge that we are human race, a global race, hopefully an interstellar race.

These are some of the questions that I ponder.
The answers, while elusive, I aim to one day grasp.

I really hope we can figure this out. While I haven't been to any other planets, earth seems pretty sweet to be honest.

Maybe others agree?