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RE: Boycott Nestle- They are Once Again Pushing Their Formula Milk On Women Living In Poverty

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Absolutely one of the most evil companies on the planet. I saw it first hand in the Philippines. I went on a service trip in college, and a main focus for our public health team was to counter the nestle message. I saw billboards with white women feeding their babies with bottles. I also saw a baby who was nearly dead from dehydration because he'd gotten diarrhea from dirty water. It's so unimaginable. I honestly don't know how they sleep at night. It's just absolutely disgusting all up and down the street. I remember telling my kids that was why we couldn't buy Juicy Juice. One day we were in the store, and they proceeded to tell another shopper that they shouldn't buy Juicy Juice cause Nestle kills babies. In general I have laid down a lot of my boycotting because it got to the point of very hard to avoid every evil company which is most of them. However, I have never/will never buy nestle. Seeing that lifeless baby in his grandma's arms was more than I could bear. Then the water thing in both California and Michigan. I mean, honestly. It's almost like they're run by Voldemort or Sauron.