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RE: What is Patriarchy: a society led by men or a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity which happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I loved this and that insight on the howler monkeys is so fascinating and really intense. Man, I was so amazed by that. Okay I used the word man because it is just on my tongue and not because I favor patriarchy :p Jokes aside, I agree with your viewpoint and I think embracing your masculine and feminine side is extremely important to make peace with yourself.


Howler Monkeys are definitely intense! Do you have them there? They are so loud!! And thank you for a joke! Jokes make all of this intensity so much more tolerable! Indeed, when we find the balance, it will be a great and magical day, decade, millennium, eternity!!!!

I don't know if we have them here or not because I never paid attention to exactly what sort of monkeys live here :P But I haven't seen them in the zoo.

They make a really crazy noise. Almost like a roar.