"Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?"EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain7 years ago

There are some really great minds on board the @ecotrain and our driver @eco-alex makes sure to come up with questions and to make us come up with questions that really make us think and unleash our thirst to find out the deeper truth behind things. This time the qotw is exactly on that line too and the @ecotrain passengers are asked to give their views on:

Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

Here is my take on it.


I read the answers by @eco-alex, @mountainjewel and @trucklife-family on the question before penning down my answer and all of them presented brilliant ideas which were more or less what I thought of too. The crux of their answers and what I have in mind is that honestly we aren't really free. In fact, we aren't free at all. Freedom like @eco-alex beautifully elaborated in his post comes with attaining full knowledge on something. When you know something inside out then only you can make an informed decision pertinent to it and can be free enough to make your choice. However, I think one can never have full knowledge on everything be it anything. There are always not one, not two but multiple sides to something and we can never be completely educated on that. Yes, we can try to get to the very bottom of things and can even be 99.99% sure of things but I honestly believe we can never understand anything 100% be it anything. Yes, things like food can be understood completely but even then, I feel we can never be sure of anything.

A huge reason behind that is that the government and the affluent people who own the places in the world play everything by their rules and are ruling our lives one way or the other. Whatever happens to us, in our countries and regions, be it east or west is affected by their decisions. I remember when I was young, there were ads run on television by the government that lamb isn't good for your health. Years later we found out that the government wanted to favor those who owned the poultry farms which is why they ran such media campaign. Few years back, I saw a similar campaign on television, this time on why poultry isn't good for us. Turns out now the government wanted to favor those who owned lamb and cow farms. So you see, be it the west or east, we are pretty much functioning on the same parameters and it is those i power and those with financial influence that make sure only that amount of information reaches which won't equip us with enough knowledge to harm them. From within, we know how we are being ruled like puppets and how our freedom is being sabotaged but since we fear dying a cruel death or being taken away from our loved ones, we dare not speak the truth. I am honestly sometimes afraid that if I dare speak openly about something I believe in and go at lengths to broadcast it, those who disagree with me will come after me. That has happened several times in Pakistan and across the globe and sadly that will continue to happen. So yeah with a heavy heart, I proclaim that we aren't free and do not have the freedom we deserve and need.

But this now brings me to another aspect of the question. What if we were free? What if we all knew everything and weren't governed by any law or rule or decorum? Since all of us have a different way of thinking and perceiving and we clearly take right and wrong as different things, how would our freedom affect us then? Would there be more chaos, disagreement and bloodshed around? Or if we have true freedom, we wold be completely knowledgeable on things and that would then make us think in unison with another and live in harmony? These are questions I am still constantly asking myself and pondering on, but since I think one can never be fully aware of everything so I feel maybe complete freedom would bring about more confusion. What do you think?

Until next time,

Love and light,


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I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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great points sharoon!

A huge reason behind that is that the government and the affluent people who own the places in the world play everything by their rules and are ruling our lives one way or the other.

this hits it home so hard. this illusion of freedom when it reality when you look at it from above (and from behind the scenes) they're literally pulling strings to sway public opinion.

if we had more freedom, i'm not sure if we'd erupt into chaos. if we caught on to our freedom more gradually (like it seems we naturally are) maybe we'd be able to find ways to balance and work with the freedom instead of letting it run amok. hopefully with more freedom we would also balance it with respect and the ability to put ourselves in the others' shoes- that's probably highly idealistic haha, but i think if we did that there would be less chaos and we could live and let live. good to see you here!! xoxo

I love having these type of discussions. I don't know somehow I feel that if we had true freedom, we would all go by our own definitions of things. Yes, those definitions would match in areas where we would be in agreement with one another but they would also conflict. But yes, you too have a point that if we were completely free in making our decisions and did so o the basis of love and respect, there won't be chaos. <3

lovely post sharoon! i REEALLLY like your questions at the end..can we ALL have freedom without total chaos!..mmmmm <3

Yeah I loved the questions at the end too. They were like the highlights of the articles; the rest was okay lol. Thank you for your great feedback. Always a pleasure.

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I have been thinking that you are never really free in a free society. The government will always have some form of control over you, it can be property taxes or that cop pulling you over because of probable cause just to be a jackass. When buying government officials is the norm in Washington D.C we will never be truly free. #steemitbloggers

Exactly my point. Thank you for being here and giving your input. Means so much!

As suggested...it depends on how you define freedom....I believe there are degrees of freedom....in the USA we appear to have a lot more "freedom" to express....make choices...live compared to other countries....N Korea as an extreme....but once you decide to have a "civilized" society to allow groups of people to live and function in some harmony....then laws come into play....power takes some control so we become influenced by outside factors....Pure freedom probably can't work as ones desire to do something may have a direct impact on another's ability to do what they "freely" want...so checks and balances come into play and "freedom" gets watered down...but...when all is said and done...I am so far still free to think what I want...and within safe boundaries express what I want...and make personal choices daily....remember also...that freedom of choice creates consequences...and I think its often the consequence of our actions that people think erodes our personal freedom...

But perhaps the truest expression of freedom I have heard comes from a famous song ...."freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose"....

If you read the posts by the fellow @ecotrain passengers, you will realize that even in the US, you do have freedom but a restricted form of it. But yeah I do get your point and agree with it. Thanks a lot for this great input. :)

Wow, quite the thought-provoking question, and your answer raises other excellent questions. And congrats on the #steemitbloggers boost!


Hey thanks a lot for being here and the lovely appreciation. :) You are love!

You're very welcome! 😊

Freedom is so subjective and the idea of doing whatever whenever we like ... hmmmmm.... are we really ready for that kind of responsibility?

This is a good thought provoking read 😊 All that you said @sharoonyasir...

Yes freedom is definitely subjective. Even then so, we don't really have it, do we? Thanks for the feedback and for stopping by. Much appreciated.

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in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

That's it, the "illusion" of freedom. We can do whatever we want as long as we follow all the rules around it lol

I so agree with this. Illusion and freedom are like synonyms right haha. Thank you for stopping by. :)

haha right!! You are most welcome @sharoonyasir :)

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