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RE: Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives? @ecotrain question of the week!

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I think saying climate science is wrong, is inaccurate. Science is science, it makes observations and attempts to make a reasonable model that is able to predict outcomes. The model makes a prediction, that is moderately accurate, so more data is gathered and it is refined, over and over again.
The problem is your average polititian wants the scientists to tell them what to do, and science doesnt work like politics does. Politics is making bold claims and 'saving the day', science, is just science, its facts and resonable estimation. Linking climate science to some bizzare global conspiracy is wrong. Saying that some people mis-use science and confuse the message to get what they want, is probably closer to the truth. But who's fault is that?

My main problem with Trump, is his apparenty lack of plan, erratic behaviours and a need to massage his own ego. Yeah N. Korea seems to be working out ok for now, but I struggle to have the faith that much more will happen, now that Trump stole all the headlines, and moved on to some other media fuelled ego trip.


Yeah... I think denying climate science is a bit silly tbh

well the rabbit hole goes deep on this one,, If you are interested you can read Kenny's posts on this topic.. All is not quite as it seems.. science is only science when you care about the truth!

Science is nothing but common sense . And common sense says this president should be impeached because he is big security risk for the whole world. World should get rid of him as soon as possible.

What if he can remove the power from bankers and actually bring peaceful relations with China, Russia and North Korea? would that be enough to get over his personality disorders and racist comments?

You made a good point.

I learn my science at Answers In Genesis (AIG):