“What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?”

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)


Doing a lot and not getting anywhere

I am walking in circles. I think this is one of the hardest questions I have ever was asked to write about. Yet I thank our #ecotrain qqtw for raising important questions each week and @clara-andriessen who asked this particular one.

I got up at 5 am and erased all I had written before. It happened for the second time already. I think the topic is such a big one I can write the whole article of each of its aspects. Netherless, I wanted to choose the one which is most important to highlight for me at the present state.

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In the first draft, I looked at the cultural and social aspects. The ideas were to build it all about the current moment, the habits existing in the World and how they affect us, both men and women. My second attempt was to look at it through the eyes of a women-traveler who was born in the diverse cultural environment and traveled through so many countries to see the way it spread and rule the World. Yet in both of them, something was missing and I kept thinking again and again. Until it was today 5 am it finally came.

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Getting to the Point

I know what did confuse me. The question itself was a provocative, which is exactly the type of question I love. From one part we need to answer the simple question: “ “What is patriarchy?” and it is a question by its own. The second part is more confusing though: “Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?”. This one is a complex thing. You need to dec-code a lot of things for yourself: what is society led by men? is always the environment where masculine takes charge full of fears and feeling of scarcity? what would you define as a masculine at all?
As I started asking myself the different question the vision came by itself. There are more other dimensions for me to answer this question.

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The starting point

Let's talk about masculine and feminine concepts first? Can a man have famine qualities and a woman have masculine?For me, the answer is yes. I believe that a human whether women or men have both qualities. So if we are talking about masculine society when it is the society where both men and women have more masculine energy and it affects their behavior. How modern society happens to have this situation is the other topic on its own but let have a quick glance on that as well as I think it is important to be able to answer this question in full.

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If you look at the different traditions they describe the current state as Rising of Feminine Energy, that is slowly over-coming more than 26 000 years Masculine energy dominance. So they put the concept of time on the table. They would consider it as a natural process - one force give leadership to the other as a part of the whole cycle. Somewhere 26 000 years ago it was time for Masculine energy to raise while famine to get dormant, and now it is time for Feminine energy to rise letting masculine weaken.
Yet again can we say that one is superior to the other?OR it is better to say that they are parts of the One?

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And perhaps we need to raise enough question - where fear and a feeling of scarcity is coming from? I think what we really talking here is the unbalanced usage of the energy. Male energy is responsible for a number of good things in the world - it has the ability to achieve visions, it has focus and discipline that is lacking in the family aspect. Yet if it is used wrongly it becomes aggressive, narrow-minded trading place of power to the powerlessness and this is what we face in the World now.

So if I look from this perspective than Patriarchy (as a synonym to the rise of masculine energy phase) is the part of the Life circle and energy changes shifts through the Time. It doesn’t have any negative qualities at its core.

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Getting more spiritual - collective choices

I know that some of you do not believe in past life regressions. I do. I did a number of sessions exploring the world beyond my current life. In my search, I got a different experience. In some of my past lives, I was the one with power enjoying chic life in the middle centuries or being a single ruler of the whole nation. In the others- I would be the one who would be burned on the town’s square being accused to be a witch or dying of poverty unable to pay the debt. Some of my journeys would lead me to the time there Matriarchy existed and they would have their own lessons.

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What I learned from them is a precious gift I carry with me. I stopped jugging anything and started to try to look at the things from a different perspective - when I just observe. With those said, if I have to answer this question from an observer perspective, I would say that Patriarchy is just a decoration created for you to be able to get a different experience and make a choice how you would like to play the Game of Life.

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What do you think about such a complex topic?


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With love,

Sasha Genji


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@ecotrain #ecotrain

I support @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain. I want to believe that more and more people will start to think about things that help to make the world a better place. (с)@ecotrain. I also hope that more and more writers on Steemit will support the movement started by @eco-alex and @icmultitudes . As I truly believe that we are one and helping others means you are helping yourself.

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Image and words (c)@eco-alex
Welcome to our now bi-weekly edition of the @ecoTrainmagazine! What a team of amazing passengers we have on board, I feel very honored to be driving this train and supporting not only amazing people, but also very worthy causes. Don't forget to follow the passengers that you really like so that you see more of them in your feeds!

We have a lot of wonderful answers to the very same question - just check #eco-train

Patriarchy is just a decoration created for you to be able to get a different experience and make a choice how you would like to play the Game of Life

Difficult start but a great universal ending, you can copy paste it for the next post on matriarchy :-)

Hehe%) No, for the matriarchy I have the other Vision%))

Well done, however I noticed a few problems.
(That´s the phrase I was taught in the PADI-IDC (Instructor Development Course) to use when giving feedback to my diving students.)

Too much feminine energy, I suppose! 😘
The Conductor 😎 Some of your links don´t go anywhere, like @clara-andersen, because it´s @clara-andriessen, #eco-train because it´s #ecotrain and @ecotrainmagazine doesn´t exist as an address.

I LOVE the phrase!!😎

Image Source And thank you for bringing my attention to my mistakes! Corrected where I saw it. The only thing I did not change is @ecoTrainmagazine as this is what I copied from alex's post. If you spot something now, please let me know. And thank you for being such a nice Conductor guiding me along mine journey! I do lots of mistakes, but I do appreciate people who let me know of them and guide me so with each one I can become better!

I thought you had just made my day by alerting me to a mistake by our impeccable driver, which of course I would have been more than happy to point out to him, but alas, the mistake is at your end, since he wrote @ecoTrain magazine, but you put it as one word as @ecoTrainmagazine, that´s why your link is not working. 😘

i really love this sasha and i found it difficult to write on too. that's why my entry was late! i too found there were so many angles one can write from... and i like your idea of writing as a female traveler- that would've been interesting.

your diagram about the curve leading from toxic states of both sides up to meeting in the middle is really excellent. it's a perfect representation of what i think is at the core of this issue, too. it's an imbalance and not that either are inherently better or worse. a terrible longstanding imbalance.

an interesting conclusion, one that i can see as well. we are all playing this game and learning from different points of view. as always, enjoyed reading your words <3

Image SourceThank you, dear @mountainjewel! I am sorry for the late reply. It is indeed the one it was really hard to write, but I am glad I did it. I think it is another lesson from life - hard things lead you to something interesting to discover!

I love how we have all explored this from different angles, really personal experiences. We all identify the imbalance which is really what it is, a huge imbalance but we have so much awareness which is great, things are changing xx and it is up to us all to decide which way we all go xx

Image SourceThat's so true, dear @trucklife-family. The awareness is the starting point of CHANGE! I am just happy to be surrounded by such a great people like you who share my values and visions! Change starts where people unite and collaborate!

I love that you brought up the 26000 year cycles. I had forgotten about that. I'm really glad for the shift. It definitely feels like time. I also really love this idea that living in the patriarchy is just giving us some contrast to help us see what we really want to create. Gotta know what you don't want so you can know what you do want.

Image SourceHehe, that is so true, @solarsupermama. I think it is the simple things yet not many understand it! And besides, sometimes you need to go through a hard time to be able to see. Do not know why but it seems a lot of people do this way%) Me included!

Contrast is definitely what makes joy so beautiful. Ultimately I'm always grateful for it, even if not in the moment.

I like! It was nice to read about your proces with this question. I love the way you look at it from a very open minded and non judgemental perspective. It makes things much less heavy when we look at it that way. It's all just experiences. And funny enough I have a schematic picture that I made, somewhat like the one you posted about the feminine and masculine qualities, that I will post in the question of the week: What is matriarchy.